popsixsquishcicerolipschitz reblogged
Kaleidoscopic Shots in Busby Berkeley Numbers Footlight Parade (1933) Dames (1934) 42nd Street (1933) Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
@popsixsquishcicerolipschitz / popsixsquishcicerolipschitz.tumblr.com
Kaleidoscopic Shots in Busby Berkeley Numbers Footlight Parade (1933) Dames (1934) 42nd Street (1933) Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
Around The World DAFT PUNK
“So I began the choreography using the idea of representing each instrument by a group of dancers, capturing as closely as possible their characteristics. So the bassists are athletes, the rhythm boxes are mummies, guitars are skeletons, vocoders are robots and synthesisers are disco girls.” - Michel Gondry