Another day, another example of Rand Paul playing fast and loose with rules of attribution. After some digging, BuzzFeed's Andrew Kaczynski found that sections of of a Washtington Times op-ed that the Kentucky Republican penned in September appear "nearly identical" to those found in an essay written by Dan Stewart...
popsandculture reblogged
One of the jurors in the Zimmerman case has said tonight [last night] that she would be comfortable having George Zimmerman on the neighborhood watch team in her neighborhood. Having heard all the evidence in the case, that juror seems to have forgotten that George Zimmerman’s role in neighborhood watch duty required him, to make sure, that Trayvon Martin, got home safely from his trip to the 7-Eleven. That is why George Zimmerman was carrying a gun. To protect people like Trayvon Martin and everyone else in that neighborhood that night. Is there really any reasonable doubt that George Zimmerman could not have done a worse job as a neighborhood watch that night?
Lawrence O’Donnell, MSNBC (via brooklynmutt)
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popsandculture reblogged
Poor Ezra?
He could do a lot of good for this country and instead, he is sitting in his mansion in San Diego somewhere, calling the president names.
-Scott Prouty, videographer of infamous Mitt Romney 47 percent comments, on Mitt Romney.
He knows it’s offensive. And he knows he’s going to get a gasp from the court room, which he got. And he loves it. He’s like the guy on your blog comment thread who is using the N-word. … ‘Oh, I made you mad? Did I make you mad? Did I make you mad? Did I make you mad?’ — he’s like that. He’s that kind of guy.
Rachel Maddow, talking about Antonin Scalia’s reference of the Voting Rights Act continued renewal by Congress as part of a “perpetuation of racial entitlement.”
popsandculture reblogged
If you are against the Violence Against Women Act, what does that mean that you are for?
Rachel Maddow, my queen (via foulmouthedliberty)
We are not going to have a Supreme Court that overturns Roe v. Wade, there will be no more Antonin Scalias and Samuel Alitos added to this court. We’re not going to repeal health reform, no one is going to kill Medicare, and make old people fight it out for health care on the open market.
We’re not going to give a 20% tax cut to millionaires and billionaires, and expect programs like food stamps and kids health insurance to cover the cost of that tax cut. We’re not gonna make you clear it with your boss if you wanna get birth control under the insurance plan you’re on.
We are not going to redefine rape. We’re not going to amend the US Constitution to prevent gay people from getting married. We’re not eliminating the department of energy, or education, or housing at the federal level.
We’re not gonna spent $2 trillion on the military that the military does not want. We won’t be scaling back on student loans because the country’s new plan is that you should “borrow money from your parents.”
We’re not vetoing the DREAM Act, we are not self-deporting. We are not letting Detroit go bankrupt. We are not starting a trade war with China on Inauguration Day in January.
We are not going to have, as a president, a man who once led a mob of friends to run down scared gay kid to hold him down and forcibly cut his hair off with a pair of scissors while that kid cried and screamed for help - and there was no apology, not ever.
We’re not going to have a Secretary of State John Bolton. We’re not bringing Dick Cheney back. We are not going to have a foreign policy shop stocked with the architects of the Iraq war.
We are not going to do it. We had the choice to do that if we wanted to, as a country.
And we said no.
Long live Rachel Maddow.