“He fought so hard for what he’d been taught to want… and when he got it, he just grew more and more confused. The silences grew longer.”
– Rock Hudson in Seconds (1966) dir. John Frankenheimer
@ponderful / ponderful.tumblr.com
“He fought so hard for what he’d been taught to want… and when he got it, he just grew more and more confused. The silences grew longer.”
– Rock Hudson in Seconds (1966) dir. John Frankenheimer
Dau Voire (via makethemdream)
Gene Tierney in Laura (1944).
Muriel Ruskeyser, from The Speed Of Darkness (via mirroir)
Joan Baez (via eyelashkissesa)
Toeti Heraty, from “Geneva in July”, translated by Ulrich Kratz and Carole Satyamurti (via the-final-sentence)
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot (via normalhumanparanoia)
Mitch Albom (via zodiaccity)
(via misiuq)
Virginia Woolf, from a diary entry dated 21 July 1912
(via violentwavesofemotion)
Cristina Garcia (via mercurieux)
Yasmin Mogahed (via ultrapearl)
Emily Dickinson (via amandaonwriting)