ponderful reblogged threecheersforthisyear sunst0ne Follow I feel all shadows of the universe multiplied deep inside my skin.Virginia Woolf, From a diary entry dated 5 November 1931 (via sunst0ne)Source: sunst0ne#Virginia Woolf#diary#1931#1930s#quote#quotes#shadow#shadows#universe#skin#self
ponderful reblogged thisyesthis violentwavesofemotion-deactivat What matters is precisely this; the unspoken at the edge of the spoken.Virginia Woolf, from a diary entry dated 21 July 1912(via violentwavesofemotion)#Virginia Woolf#1912#diary#quote#quotes#silence#language#communication
ponderful reblogged quote-book kari-shma Follow Keep a diary and someday it’ll keep you.Mae West (via kari-shma)#Mae West#quote#quotes#diary#journal#writing