Season Finale online now!
Village of the Damn (part 2) - Mertesacker is in danger (as always). The rescue leads Poldi and Giroud to the unexpected truth and even deadlier danger...
Suffer, more - In order to keep his mother safe from the messenger of death, Poldi needs to do whatever task the latter tells him. This time, he has to experience the greatest pain he never prepared to suffer...
Double Dates! - A ghost girl requires something from Poldi and Giroud if they wish for her to rest in peace, and that thing called a romantic date which requires a body for her to possess...
Home Alone in the Dark - Amanda has to stay alone because of the postponement on coming home of her parents. Of course, someone or something uses this moment for their 'amusement'...
Reasons (Part 1) - The anticipated final match of the annual traditional football competition has finally come! Poldi does something no one ever imagine to witness from him...
Reasons (Part 2) - The (spiritual) gatekeeper asks Poldi to look after the school for him. With help from Giroud, it's not such a difficult task, until, someone gets hurt or be killed...
[Season Finale] The Day You Went Away - The side-effect of Giroud's sixth sense transplant increases again. This time, it doesn't has an effect on just Giroud but everyone else around him (especially Poldi) as well...
The Final Season is coming this January!
Read synopsis and full episodes here. [x]