#this is so disappointing – @pocketsized-prophet on Tumblr

part-time soulmate, full-time problem

@pocketsized-prophet /

Here are some things you should know: 1. Dannie. British. 34. She/Her 2. Bi af 3. Cockles trash 4. I don't even fucking know what I blog about anymore. Does anyone even care? 5. I write sometimes. Maybe. If my crippling anxiety and depression allows it. Usually it involves dicks in butts. (Especially Castiel's in Dean's.)
Anonymous asked:


i cant even post moths anymore. because of woke


you might be marked red on shiningami eyes because of the moths actually! Or more accurately the butterflies. I filter posts based a some key words including “terf” and consequently anything with “terf” in it gets blocked such as “butterfly,” “waterfall,” and “monsterfucker.” Like so:

The post in question is reblogged by my girlfriend from my own side blog that has “butterfly” in the title

that is quite honestly the funniest thing ever

Here's a tumblr post I found with additional information about what's been happening.

Here's another relevant thread

I'm rather embarrassed to only be finding about this now considering the earliest complaints I found with limited searching date back to a month ago. Needless to say, it has become fully unreliable, so it's time to remove it.

Deviating from my usual posting content to share this, since I'm under the impression the Sky community is trans-friendly and thus may or may not be in the audience of people who use Shinigami Eyes.

As the person above me mentions, this not just a fluke. I had a look and the Firefox review page has very consistent comments noting discrimination against the non-binary, intersex, transmasc, and people of color. I dug around a bit more and found some similar complaints dating from around 2 months ago (potentially even 6?)

Have you seen this? I'm pretty sure you use the eyes


I posted a few days ago about how I Uninstalled it for this exact reason. Glad to reiterate: Shinigami Eyes is hostile to Intersex & Transmasc ppl. It's actively bad and i no one recommend using it.

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