#puppy – @pocketsized-prophet on Tumblr

part-time soulmate, full-time problem

@pocketsized-prophet /

Here are some things you should know: 1. Dannie. British. 34. She/Her 2. Bi af 3. Cockles trash 4. I don't even fucking know what I blog about anymore. Does anyone even care? 5. I write sometimes. Maybe. If my crippling anxiety and depression allows it. Usually it involves dicks in butts. (Especially Castiel's in Dean's.)

this pup apparently escaped from a car in the parking lot, so someone brought him to guest services and we got to keep an eye on him while we tried to find the owners. his name was jax!! we found his mom eventually. i miss him already


every time i see this post i kinda wanna cry? look at how little that dog is. its so small. it was so defenseless and that dude fucking punched a bear to save it. does that dog know? does it know how loved it is? i want someone to love me that much. i want to be that small.

i agree with gay dicks 420

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