#politics – @pocketsized-prophet on Tumblr

part-time soulmate, full-time problem

@pocketsized-prophet /

Here are some things you should know: 1. Dannie. British. 34. She/Her 2. Bi af 3. Cockles trash 4. I don't even fucking know what I blog about anymore. Does anyone even care? 5. I write sometimes. Maybe. If my crippling anxiety and depression allows it. Usually it involves dicks in butts. (Especially Castiel's in Dean's.)

There's a phenomenon in left-wing circles where initially reasonable statements and concepts get repeated ad nauseum until they not only lose their meaning but transform into deeply bigoted ideas.

The idea "there is no single white culture," is true because white is a concept created to describe the powerful position in Western societies. There are many different cultures, who's members are often white. But this idea became "white people have no culture" which is just not true, deeply dehumanizing, and harmful, especially to people who look white but experience marginalization because of their culture.

Another example might be cultural appropriation, which perhaps should be understood as a misrepresentation or exploitation of the cultural practices of another, especially where the person exploiting does so for personal gain, without acknowledgment. But now, people have basically transformed this into "when somebody does something from a culture they weren't raised in" or "when a particular race or ethnicity behaves in a way that's different from how they normally do" which promotes racial and cultural stereotypes and attempts to control the behaviors of people based on their race, ethnicity, and culture.


Adding to this, the sentiment that white people "have no culture" is based in the idea that culture is a deviation from whiteness. "Cultural" food, "cultural" dress, etc., is all shorthand for "things done by people who aren't white". To say that white people have no culture is to further other non-white people, making them the deviation from the "norm".

White people do have culture. Rich white people, poor white people, white people from Canada and the U.S. and Great Britain all have cultures that are different from one another. Claiming that they don't is a tool in the furthering of white supremacy and we (leftists) gotta knock it the fuck off.


what happens when people learn the buzzwords without unpacking the underlying ideology is that they take words designed to challenge the status quo that they don't understand & reinterpret them in the context of the white supremacist values they do understand.

Like they did with the term 'woke'. It's just become another buzzword.


“I don’t want to read this” is totally valid.

“This is disgusting to me” is totally valid.

“I don’t want to read this because it is disgusting to me” is totally valid.

“I don’t think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me” is authoritarian.

“I don’t think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me” is authoritarian.


Bro, blocking someone and then using their tag like this is, all offence, weak as fuck. Like all you had to say was, na bro I don’t promote pedo protags on this here blog, because I wholly agree with the premise of your argument given contexts (i.e., writing abusive relationships to show the evils, great; writing abusive relationships to show the romance, yikes).

This response is so, so comically shitty within the context of that tag, oh my god.

“I don’t think anyone should be allowed to read or write this because it is disgusting to me” is authoritarian.


Why is it wrong to be authoritarian to stop the spread and creation of CSA material? If anyone can explain to me why a line cannot be drawn there for moderation purposes, and why underaged erotic fiction should be allowed to exist, it would be helpful

Do you hear yourself? You just said “why is it wrong to be authoritarian” with your real, actual words.

okay, whoops, good point. Should have thought that through a little more. Let me try again:

“I don’t think anyone should read or write this because it is harmful to the people who read and write it.” Is that authoritarian? That’s more where I’m loosely coming from. It’s practically a cognitohazard. Fiction can impact how people think - that’s one of the ways propoganda works.

(I am entering this conversation to learn, full respect)

Hey friend, thanks for being willing to talk about this.

Some of what I’m about to say is probably going to sound like the “slippery slope” fallacy, but what I need you to understand when I say it, is that it’s not a theoretical possibility, it’s something that has happened historically and is happening in the USA right now.

First of all, let’s set the stage and agree that no piece of fiction can cause literal, physical harm to a person. Therefor, any harm that could be caused is going to be emotional or psychological.

So already we’re on shaky grounds here. Who is deciding what fiction causes psychological or emotional harm?

In the USA right now, the people who are deciding what fiction is causing psychological and emotional harm are conservatives who are using the idea to censor and restrict queer literature, as well fiction and history talking about racism.

These people are saying that reading queer stories and learning about history harms their children by “brainwashing” them with “propaganda”

This is the problem.

Any time you declare that “fiction causes harm” you’re going to have malefactors using that idea to push THEIR version of what causes harm.

Fiction isn’t something that causes physical harm to people. It can absolutely cause subjective harm, but that varies from person to person.

Also, it’s fiction. Unlike the harm a physical attack causes, you, as the writer or the reader, are always in control of fiction. If you feel like a book is harming you, it’s always within your power to stop reading it.

Any time we mandate what fiction causes harm, we open ourselves up to tyranny.

Does that make sense?

You mention “CSA material” specifically– CSA material is material which exists because a child has been really, measurably harmed. Fiction about imaginary characters can never actually hurt any physical children. And because of that, and because any kind of censorship of fiction inevitably leads to tyranny, and because reading fiction doesn’t cause measurable harm– we need to protect that freedom of fiction, even if we find it disgusting.

If nothing else, if you completely restrict fiction about the sexual assault of children, you restrict victims of childhood assault from discussing and expressing their experiences.

Edited to add:

And just to be clear, when conservatives are censoring and banning queer material, they are doing it by claiming that it’s “pornography”.

Mads Mikkelsen once said “imagine censorship in the hands of your worst enemy.”

Once censorship of fiction becomes a fixed thing that continues to happen, someone can find any excuse to label something as worthy of censoring.

And it’s always queer and marginalized people who get hit with it the hardest.

Censorship is not a scalpel, it’s a steamroller.

There is fiction out there that is fucking disgusting and awful, and I can keep my back to it while I defend its right to exist alongside the stuff I enjoy because losing the nasty stuff will take away what I enjoy too.

Sometimes stuff that is really awful can be held up as an example of “hey, don’t do this”.


[The initial screenshot is of tumblr tags reading, “#pls tell me this isnt an excuse for people to write p*do fics again”

The later screenshot reads, “If you accept – and I do – that freedom of speech is important, then you are going to have to defend the indefensible. That means you are going to be defending the rights of people to read, or write, or to say, what you dono’t say or like or want said. The Law is a huge blunt weapon that does not and will not make distinctions between what you find acceptable and what you don’t. This is how the Law is made.”]


sorry but i want to hit every american talking about not wanting to vote democrat anymore with hammers. lol

yes the democratic party also sucks but you know what sucks more? republicans winning elections because the left is too idealistic to vote. fuck you. not only would that have massive repercussions on human rights and just about every social issue in your country but it influences international politics too dipshit!! a far right government in the us is bad for the whole world!! i dont care that you dont like liberals you dont have to like them just fucking vote for the party that doesnt want poc and queer people dead. yes even if they have shit stances on things like israel. because its better than having a republican government. fucks sake

i just. i want to grip these people by the shoulders and shake them. i dont care that you dont like biden. i dont like biden. but if your other options are trump and desantis you have a moral obligation to vote for the guy that isnt trump or desantis. abstaining wont get you a better government that doesnt contribute to genocide itll get you a far right government that contributes to genocide even harder

I'd like to just throw in that this is also happening in the uk right now too. We have websites dedicated to voting tactically to ensure the tories don't get in in the next election. I don't care that the Labour leader is a weasel who'd rather support Israel because of some perceived notion that not supporting them is antisemitic, at least he's not stuffing the country's money into his mates' pockets and trying to eradicate trans people and human traffic asylum seekers to another country with a recent history of genocide. You can work with the system (and the inevitable coalition government that Labour will have to form to oust the tories) to get closer to your ideals. But choosing to go against that? To abstain from voting? That's just support for Cruela Braverman's fascist rhetoric. It's support for Fishy Rishi ensuring his family profit off of the country's disasters.

The UK and the US are frighteningly similar. The republicans and the tories will do anything and everything in their power to cling to power/claw it back, and they're counting on people hating the Labour/Democrats to do it. They want the left divided because it gives them a foothold in power.

Hold your fucking nose and vote for the lesser of the two evils. Especially when the alternative literally wants you dead.


The thing is, I have nothing against socialism or communism as a political ideology; trust me, I'm as anti-capitalist as they come. The leftism is really not the problem here.

The problem is when in their leftism, people – Americans, really, and western Europeans – use the ussr as this sort of goal, this complete antithesis to the modern capitalist society, this almost-utopian place to live. They use hammer and sickle symbol, the ussr anthem; sometimes, as a joke, sometimes, not so much.

Not only that clearly shows that they know absolutely nothing about the ussr – it's also spreading russian propaganda, whether it's on purpose or not, which is especially insidious now, when russia is literally committing a genocide.

The ussr wasn't a socialist utopia where everyone is equal. It was a totalitarian dictatorship, responsible for colonisation and genocide of multiple people and cultures. Just like the russian Empire before it. Just like modern russia continues to do now.

For many Eastern European and Central Asian people, hammer and sickle is not just a symbol of a political ideology. It's the symbol, under which people were starved to death, imprisoned or executed for daring to write in their own language; in which cultures were erased, people – forcefully assimilated, stripped of their own national identity.

It's the propaganda of being "the same people, the same nation" that russians love to use; that westerners love to believe, for the sole reason of the oppressed daring to look similar to the oppressor; for the sole reason of Americans being unable to look past their own history and realize oppression comes in many shapes and forms.

By using the ussr symbols in your political movement, you're denying the atrocities commited under that symbol and spreading russian propaganda, whether it's on purpose or not.

It's not "progressive" to wave around a hate symbol.

Do your research.


To the people in replies equating the hammer & sickle to the reclamation of 'queer':


The word queer was created by queer people, and though it was appropriated as a slur for a while, it has been reclaimed as a self identifier for generations. The only people we hurt by calling ourselves by name is, perhaps, ourselves. Even if the term had originated as a slur, it would have been targetting queer people as victims, meaning we are the people to listen to about its reclamation.

US and W Euro communists did not create the hammer and sickle. It was not used to symbolize genocide against W Europeans and US Americans.

It is a military symbol of an empire that attempted, even occasionally succeeded at, genocide. The survivors of those attempts are the people harmed by its use.

We have no business 'reclaiming' the hammer and sickle; they aren't ours. The victims of USSR genocide alone determine who gets to reclaim it.

The rest of us would do well to defer to them, just like so many people deferred about the swastika after it was used as a symbol of genocide, too.

For a full century, use of the symbol was voluntarily deferred by Buddhists, Navajo, and other groups that used it. It is only being slowly re-adopted as the direct survivors of that genocide die of old age.

Meanwhile, the most recent USSR genocides were occurring during my own childhood and I'm a fucking millennial.

The only people who get to have an opinion about 'reclaiming' this symbol are the survivors of the genocides it represents.

We already have a simple, easy to use symbol for labour rights and equality that came out of our own history as W Euro and American communists. And it wasn't even used to justify mass murder!!

Shut the fuck up, put on your big kid panties, and use Bread and Roses. 🥖 🌹


Hi, Eastern European leftist here to cosign this.

The USSR was a brutal, genocidal, totalitarian dictatorship. The rest of the Eastern Bloc was no better. In the last century, the second most common cause of death in my family (after Nazis) was "torture and murder by the communist government".

I have family members whose NAMES I don't even know, because the government thoroughly unpersoned them. (This is not a TikTok euphemism, btw. It's from Orwell's 1984.) Many of my family members were still terrified of speaking out against the government, even twenty years after the communist regime fell, even in private.

I don't even know what to talk about, really, to get people to see my point. The multiple genocides that the Soviet Union did, in an attempt to leave only the good Russians? The way that Jewish and Muslim communities were targeted far, far more than Christian ones? The mass surveillance and propaganda campaigns that left the populace a nervous and confused wreck? The KGB?

I mean, I get it. Y'all grew up in the West, all you've known your whole life is the crushing boot of Christianity and capitalism. You learned the word "propaganda" and you learned how the west lied and subverted and waged war and you decided that if the west was bad then the governments they opposed, such as the USSR, must be good, and that all the horror stories are propaganda.

They're not. The reality of Eastern European communism, as told to me by my family and by my country's historians, is WORSE than whatever you learned in history class.

And you, Western leftists, are not the inheritors of that trauma, and you don't get to claim it's symbols.

Stop using the hammer and sickle. Stop calling people "comrade". Stop talking about the glory of the Soviet Union. And for fuck's sake STOP PLASTERING IMAGES OF LENIN AND STALIN EVERYWHERE, my god, why the fuck is this even a thing I need to say.

I'm a western leftie but I'm just gonna pipe in for a few seconds. I grew up in a right wing household but to this day, the one piece of good political information my father ever imparted upon me is that politics/political ideology is not a straight line, it is a circle. By that I mean, you go too far in either direction and you wind up looking the same.

Excuse the crude drawing but you get the idea.

Much like with everything, listen to the people that are/have been actually effected by the issue at hand. We know to listen to black people when it comes to anti-black racism and its prevalence in modern society. We know to listen to women on what it's like to be a woman in todays society. We know to listen to trans people on trans issues. We know to listen to Jewish people when it comes to antisemitism. Why do we not listen to those who have experienced radical communism under the ussr when it comes to left leaning ideology?

The world is not split into good and bad. Everything is shades of grey. Yes America has an issue with anti-commie propaganda and yall have been raised that literally any sort of socialism is evil and must die a fiery death, but like, just cause capitalism is fucking awful, doesn't mean the opposite wasn't just as fucking terrible too.


You know, I will never forget the very first time I spoke critically of polish communism in an international group chat and a british girl told me to be more respectful because she’s a communist too. I’m sorry did 50 years of my ancestors’ poverty and persecution offend your delicate sensibilities? Was it my grandma wasting quarter of her day in queues to buy basic groceries, or my grandpa wasting his 20s in prison for wanting to live in a democratic country? Was it the galloping inflation? The violence towards protesters? Read the fucking room.

“Self proclaimed communists living in and enjoying the freedom of a non-communist country should be run through a wood chipper.”


Self-proclaimed communists who live and have always loved in non-communist countries know fucking nothing. :/

i remember the first time i heard about the concept of communism and i was like, well, that seems fair? why don’t we do that? we’re always taught to share so why shouldn’t we apply that to everything?

but i was only a child when i thought that. the more history you learn, the easier it is to understand why it wouldn’t work.

the problem with communism is that it’s the extreme end of the left wing, the same way that fascism is the extreme end of the right wing. and often a lot of people assume that they’re at either end of a straight line when actually it looks a lot more like this:

the more extreme your politics, the more it winds up bending towards the other. both communists and fascists imprison their political opponents. both worked ‘undesirable’ people to their deaths. both control the media. both conscript people into armies. both believe in the cult of a leader. and on and on and on it goes.

communism isn’t some magic cure-all to go against the right wing. extremism, either way, is just that. extreme.

you can be left-wing and a socialist without being a communist. you can be right-wing and conservative without being a fascist.

but exhaulting the wonders of communism without acknowledging the very real people that it caused the suffering and deaths of, is like denying the holocaust happened. we (rightly) don’t forget about the systematic slaughter of jews, romani, queer people, political dissidents and black people that the nazi’s sent to their deaths. why on earth should we ignore the approximately 20 million odd people stalin sent to theirs?


no one:

20+ year old ‘progressive’ men on twitter: haha did anyone have a neonazi phase when they were 14? god i’m so embarrassed looking back. that’s a thing people went through when they were kids, right? we were so crazy on 4chan! can everyone in the replies please validate that i’m not alone and i’m a good person? please?


Please don’t forget that nazi movements specifically prey on minors, especially teenage white boys, because they know that they can radicalize them and isolate them from friends and family. Grown ass men do this because they spent their childhoods being preyed upon and groomed by actual nazis and want to be able to cope with it and reach out for support.

Acting like every person who escaped the alt-right and is trying to move on is just “fake-woke” or just trying to sweep their past under the rug not only becomes ammunition for these hate groups to use to keep their members radicalized and isolated (”see what the left thinks of you? They’ll never accept you so you have to stay with us”) but also ignores the very real problem that is how often young men are being targeted and groomed into the alt-right in online spaces especially.

You’re right, it shouldn’t be normalized. Being a bigot shouldn’t be considered a normal part of childhood that every kid is just naturally inclined to, and nobody should use that as an excuse to clear themselves of wrongdoing. I will say though that being wrong and having bad opinions is most definitely a normal part of childhood, because when you’re a child you’re easy to imprint on and often change your opinions a lot because you’re changing a lot as a person. I was an antifeminist when I was 13 because I was impressionable and heard my parents and smug youtube people say it so I just assumed it to be true because everyone told me it was. The only thing that isn’t normal is when that part of your life where you’re most impressionable is used to radicalize and brainwash you, which the alt-right often does.

So no, actually there are a LOT of people who went through a “nazi phase” or any other right-leaning phase that they moved on from after finally being able to break free from alt-right propaganda, and there’s no shame in that because they were literal children being manipulated and targeted by grown adults. I’ve seen people in the notes saying that it shouldn’t be used as an excuse for past behavior, and I couldn’t agree more. There is a reason behind it though, and people reaching out to talk about how they were manipulated into the alt-right doesn’t make them fake progressives.

Here’s a really good video explaining this much more eloquently than I could. The phenomenon is often referred to as the alt-right pipeline, or sometimes pewdiepipeline named after pewdiepie and how he became a starting point for many young men’s interactions with alt-right ideology:

Holy shit, that’s such a good take! Nobody’s born “woke”, all of us just get radicalized in one direction or another as we grow up and it’s important to make sure we keep people as possible on our side no matter how far they swung in the opposite direction before they got here


I guess I had so completely absorbed the prevailing wisdom that I expected people in bankruptcy to look scruffy or shifty or generally disreputable. But what struck me was that they looked so normal.

The people appearing before that judge came in all colors, sizes, and ages. A number of men wore ill-fitting suits, two or three of them with bolero ties, and nearly everyone dressed up for the day. They looked like they were on their way to church. An older couple held onto each other as they walked carefully down the aisle and found a seat. A young mother gently jiggled her keys for the baby in her lap. Everyone was quiet, speaking in hushed tones or not at all. Lawyers – at least I thought they were lawyers – seemed to herd people from one place to another.

I didn’t stay long. I felt as if I knew everyone in that courtroom, and I wanted out of there. It was like staring at a car crash, a car crash involving people you knew.

Later, our data would confirm what I had seen in San Antonio that day. The people seeking the judge’s decree were once solidly middle-class. They had gone to college, found good jobs, gotten married, and bought homes. Now they were flat busted, standing in front of that judge and all the world, ready to give up nearly everything they owned just to get some relief from the bill collectors.

As the data continued to come in, the story got scarier. San Antonio was no exception: all around the country, the overwhelming majority of people filing for bankruptcy were regular families who had hit hard times. Over time we learned that nearly 90 percent were declaring bankruptcy for one of three reasons: a job loss, a medical problem, or a family breakup (typically divorce, sometimes the death of a husband or wife). By the time these families arrived in the bankruptcy court, they had pretty much run out of options. Dad had lost his job or Mom had gotten cancer, and they had been battling for financial survival for a year or longer. They had no savings, no pension plan, and no homes or cars that weren’t already smothered by mortgages. Many owed at least a full year’s income in credit card debt alone. They owed so much that even if they never bought another thing – even if Dad got his job back tomorrow and Mom had a miraculous recovery – the mountain of debt would keep growing on its own, fueled by penalties and compounding interest rates that doubled their debts every few years. By the time they came before a bankruptcy judge, they were so deep in debt that being flat broke – owning nothing, but free from debt – looked like a huge step up and worth a deep personal embarrassment.

Worse yet, the number of bankrupt families was climbing. In the early 1980s, when my partners and I first started collecting data, the number of families annually filing for bankruptcy topped a quarter of a million. True, a recession had hobbled the nation’s economy and squeezed a lot of families, but as the 1980s wore on and the economy recovered, the number of bankruptcies unexpectedly doubled. Suddenly, there was a lot of talk about how Americans had lost their sense of right and wrong, how people were buying piles of stuff they didn’t actually need and then running away when the bills came due. Banks complained loudly about unpaid credit card bills. The word deadbeat got tossed around a lot. It seemed that people filing for bankruptcy weren’t just financial failures – they had also committed an unforgivable sin.

Part of me still wanted to buy the deadbeat story because it was so comforting. But somewhere along the way, while collecting all those bits of data, I came to know who these people were.

In one of our studies, we asked people to explain in their own words why they filed for bankruptcy. I figured that most of them would probably tell stories that made them look good or that relieved them of guilt.

I still remember sitting down with the first stack of questionnaires. As I started reading, I’m sure I wore my most jaded, squinty-eyed expression.

The comments hit me like a physical blow. They were filled with self-loathing. One man had written just three words to explain why he was in bankruptcy:

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

When writing about their lives, people blamed themselves for taking out a mortgage they didn’t understand. They blamed themselves for their failure to realize their jobs weren’t secure. They blamed themselves for their misplaced trust in no-good husbands and cheating wives. It was blindingly obvious to me that most people saw bankruptcy as a profound personal failure, a sign that they were losers through and through.

Some of the stories were detailed and sad, describing the death of a child or what it meant to be laid off after thirty-three years with the same company. Others stripped a world of pain down to the bare facts:

Wife died of cancer. Left $65,000 in medical bills after insurance. Lack of full-time work – worked five part-time jobs to meet rent, utilities, phone, food, and insurance.

They thought they were safe – safe in their jobs and their lives and their love – but they weren’t.

I ran my fingers over one of the papers, thinking about a woman who had tried to explain how her life had become such a disaster. A turn here, a turn there, and her life might have been very different.

Divorce, an unhappy second marriage, a serious illness, no job. A turn here, a turn there, and my life might have been very different, too.

– A Fighting Chance by Elizabeth Warren, pg. 34 - pg. 36

(Bolding mine)

I don’t want to derail this too hard. And I am terrifyingly, shakingly conscious that I live in the UK, with its mildly-socialist leanings and socialised healthcare and council houses for homeless families, and I know in my head that even if the locusts come for everything I have, if I just stay on this particular piece of land, I will be able to keep the baby alive -

I don’t want to derail too hard, but when people ask “why aren’t young people getting houses and babies” and so on: look at this post, the raw terror of this post. The reality of the locusts. The facial markings on the face of the wolf at the door.

Young people today, like the people of the Great Depression and the World-Wars-In-The-Arena-Of-Combat, know that these things can be taken away. Just. Wiped off the map.

A turn here, a turn there, and your life is over and your game is done, and you have to stand there in your shame, having lost everything.

So the response to that is: have nothing, and you can’t lose everything.

I can see the appeal.

But I wonder how deep in our hearts this nihilism can get. What its impacts will be. How can we plan for the future of the planet, when our brains can only focus on the £300 on our credit card, and panic.

What did this do to us? The children of the bankruptcy. The kids raised in this religion. can we make ourselves okay.

The most lingering comment I ever heard someone make about Millennials was an older man I was talking to about the way we think about finances–when he dreamed about being a millionaire as a young man, he talked about yachts and mansions and trips to the Bahamas; when I did, I talked about living debt-free and being able to buy dinner out without looking at my monthly budget.  He heard me out, took me seriously.

And at the end of it all, he nodded and looked at me and asked, “Do you know who you remind me of?”

And I said no, no I didn’t, and he nodded some more.

“My mother.  She grew up just before the Depression hit, and she saw people lose everything left and right.  And whenever she talked about finances, she sounded just like you.”  He paused for a moment, and said, “I never really thought about what growing up like that would do to a generation.”

He still brings that conversation up, years later.  He hasn’t made a single derisive comment about Millennials since.


I also want to point out that the woman who wrote that bit up there? She’s running for president, and she has plans she wants to put in place to protect people, to give us more safety nets, to help put bumpers on the gutters of life, to cancel student debt without increasing the national debt, to relieve some of the crushing burden the middle and lower classes carry for the tax-evading upper classes. And you know how I think she could actually do it, if she were elected? She’s the person who held Wells Fargo’s feet to the fire for their unfair banking practices. She’s the reason their customers got restitution. She’s a large part of the reason their CEO is actually having to pay out of pocket instead of getting off with a slap on the wrist. I just wanna put that out there, for those of us in the US of voting age. She has the plans she does because she’s been there, she’s seen it, she knows the reality of it and what causes it, and she’s thought long and hard with a lot of input from others about how to fix it. Just. You know. In case what you wanted in a president was compassion and the determination to see it through.


the results of the british election should go pretty far to remind you that there’s functionally no difference between white english voters and their white american counterparts

the tories literally had leaks showing their plans to completely sell off the NHS to american private interests and it did absolutely nothing to them lmao

The Tory vote and brexit have all been built on a foundation of ethno-nationalism, and white British people are every ounce as racist as white Americans.

There is literally a video floating around of Boris Johnson saying that inequality is necessary, and that some people are worth more than others because they have a higher IQ. There are quite literally hundreds of quotes from the articles he’s written displaying his disdain for women, people of colour, Muslims, LGBTQ+ people, poor and vulnerable people, disabled people, and migrants. Including one that says Britain has a divine right over Africa and it would be better if it were still colonised. A newly elected Tory MP said he wants to solve the problem of a council estate by putting all is occupants in a forced labour camp. Tory policies that protected landlords and cut fire services are directly responsible for Grenfell Tower, and they’ve just been elected in the borough Grenfell is in.

The Tories were caught in blatant lies on multiple occasions by major news outlets, which they continued to repeat despite being proven falsehoods. An investigation found 88% of their ad campaigns contained falsehoods or deliberately misleading data.

And they still had a landslide victory.

Against an opposition working to raise minimum wage, tax the rich, renationalise industries, and provide for communities with libraries, childcare, and better funded healthcare.

Because Britain is racist to the core.

But I dont really like Corbyn, he seems weak and ineffective, and he isnt doing enough to tackle antisemitism in the labour party

I dont give a fuck if you dont like him. He was the only fucking choice against the Tories. The tories have been in power for the last 11 years and they have raped this country. Everyone is worse off now than they ever were under labour.

I agree there are problematic aspects of the labour party. The antisemitism is a huge deal. And I hope the next labour leader is stronger at tackling it.

But the people of this country have overwhelmingly voted to a continuation of the destruction of our country.

And if america aren't careful and learn from british labour's failure with corbyn, you're going to be stuck with a second term of trump.

And quite frankly I dont know if there'll be a planet worth saving after another 4 years with him in charge.


Logan, when properly decontextualized, you may have just typed the funniest sentence in human history

This single image accurately and succinctly sums up the entire experience of politics on Tumblr


UK Peeps - The Labour Party Manifesto is SO GOOD

You can read the whole thing here:

Some highlights:

1) “The next Labour government will reverse privatisation of our NHS and return our health service into expert public control. Labour will repeal the Health and Social Care Act that puts profits before patients, and make the NHS the preferred provider”


2) “Labour will reintroduce maintenance grants for university students, and we will abolish university tuition fees.University tuition is free in many northern European countries, and under a Labour government it will be free here too.”


3) “Labour supports a social model of disability. People may have a condition or an impairment but they are disabled by society. We need to remove the barriers in society that restrict opportunities and choices for people with disabilities.We will build on the previous Labour government’s commitment to people with disabilities in 2009 as signatories to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and incorporate it into UK law.”


4) “A Labour government will reform the Gender Recognition Act and the Equality Act 2010 to ensure they protect Trans people by changing the protected characteristic of ‘gender assignment’ to ‘gender identity’ and remove other outdated language such as ‘transsexual’.

Labour will bring the law on LGBT hate crimes into line with hate crimes based on race and faith, by making them aggravated offences.To tackle bullying of LGBT young people, Labour will ensure that all teachers receive initial and ongoing training on the issues students face and how to address them. And we will ensure that the new guidance for relationships and sex education is LGBT inclusive.”


5) “We will end insecurity for private renters by introducing controls on rent rises, more secure tenancies, landlord licensing and new consumer rights for renters….We will reverse the cruel decision to abolish housing benefit for 18 to 21- year-olds, which risks putting even more vulnerable young people on our streets.”


Honestly, the UK would feel so different - imagine waking up to a caring society again?

Please register to vote, peeps - and may I suggest ^^^^ Vote Labour!

You only have until the 22nd May to register - link to registration is here:

Re-blogging because tomorrow (22nd May) is the last day to register to vote!!!!!

There’s also a Progressive Alliance “vote smart” tool being run by the left think-tank Compass which let’s you put in your postcode and find out which party to vote for tactically in your area to keep the Tories out (scroll to the bottom of the page)


The press secretary of the White House just lied in front of millions of people and said the mosque shooter in Quebec was a Muslim refugee.

The shooter was a white supremacist. He was white. He murdered Muslims in cold blood last night. The police have already released his name and confirmed he was white and a white supremacist. His name was Alexandre Bissonette.

He killed 6 people at mosque. There are children who woke up without parents today I can’t believe this is happening I cannot believe he’s blatantly lying

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