As a European, I'm still learning about Americans and their politics. This whole area in general is not something I'm particularly good at perceiving. I was just disappointed that someone like Jared would have a mindset like that because in my head, him and Sam are the same. But that last bit is on me for being naive. From now on, Sam is a concept not an acted character. I gotta learn how to separate the two.
Jared isn’t MAGA or anything, to clarify -- but he is a very centrist democrat that, frankly, modernly is indiscernable from Bush-era republicans. Misha is further left, but tends to negotiate in towards center when he feels it’s strategic, which people try to skin him over (eg when he said Biden was our best chance and uh--as a fiercely left wing progressive Bernie supporter, respectively speaking, he was right.) This is why Misha’s been the least impacted by the great twitter purge. Jensen kinda hangs ambiguously in the middle, more left leaning but not super vocal or involved. Also, frankly, most homophobic conservatives still saw through the show and considered him “that gay shit” basically. Resultingly, he’s hit more than Misha but less than Jared on his following.
But Jared’s mindset is fairly transparent with his motivation in even thinking about Walker, saying it would be “interesting” to see the struggle of duty versus morality after thinking about kids in cages--eg, the struggles of cops, basically. That’s what he considers progressive right now. And hopefully I don’t have to explain why that isn’t the progressive angle right now.
All actors have had some foot in mouth statements about character takes--and this last one on Eileen could very well be that--but respectively I would have zero surprise if it’s PR lines at this point. It’s not the target audience and they want to pull the hardest-line Jared fans, which overall tends to be a certain ineffable fandom group. And at the end of the day, Jared’s going to have to deal with bringing in the same dipshits that hate on his wife constantly, and I don’t know if he’s fully aware of that.
Jensen’s sexy silence on the finale continues as its own general vindication, as well as him choosing on at least one if not two levels to not be involved in this show. The “kicking and screaming” line tells me there’s been some pretty blunt “no”s even beyond what the articles say. Maybe they’re with excuses like having other things to film. Or maybe it’s just not the kind of stuff he wants involved with.
Misha supposedly is busy on something right now, I don’t know what, and there’s that other movie he filmed for, but let’s be real, he wouldn’t touch copaganda with a 10 foot pole so.
At the end of the day, I fear the audience Jared’s going to be immersing himself with, especially split away from Jensen and Misha more, and the “meet in the middle” propaganda is going to drift him right over the years. Misha with his art based fields is going to continue to break wider left. Jensen’s going to end up somewhere in the middle--The Boys, for example, isn’t exactly Purity Culture passing but it does touch on some stark political realities and social commentaries for better or worse, and he’s going to be surrounded by that kind of dialogue.
S’what I’m seeing out of this.