plumkat reblogged
”The woman’s got to show up, [like], “We all done, sweetie? Okay. Out you go, I gotta make a story out of this mess.”
plumkat reblogged
#free country#free#freedom#freedom of choice#opinion#opinions#bad#bad people#justify#justification#justifying#comedian#standup#stand up#stand up comedy#standup comedy#standup comedian#stand up comedian#comedy#people only mention that it's a free country when they're doing something shitty#selfish#american#amurricuh#amurrica#americans#usa#united states#united states of america#bad choice#poor choice
plumkat reblogged
#aziz ansari#standup#stand up#stand up comedy#standup comedy#stand up comedian#standup comedian#comedy#comedian#take it off#heckle#heckling#heckler#hecklers#cat call#cat calling#cat called#cat caller#sexual harrassment#harrassment#douchebag#douchebro#feminist#feminism#sexist#sexism#misogynist#misogynistic#misogyny#gender inequality
plumkat reblogged
Chelsea Peretti: One Of The Greats
that was not where I was expecting it to go AND I LOVED IT