plumkat reblogged
#savage#hbic#hot bitch in charge#rihanna#didn't they tell you that i was a savage#don't fuck with me#i will fuck you up#i will hurt you#i will kill you#i will murder you#i will fight you#come at me#come at me bitch#revenge#vengeance#you're gonna regret that#you're gonna regret this#you will regret this#you will regret it#you're gonna regret it#you will regret that
plumkat reblogged
plumkat reblogged
#rihanna#whoa#wait what#what#huh#wow#surprise#surprised#surprising#shock#shocked#shocking#oh my god#omg#reaction#taken aback#caught off guard#flabbergasted#holy shit#holy fuck#holy crap#unbelievab#i can't believe it#i don't believe it#are you serious#seriously#are you kidding me#are you fucking kidding me#excuse me#say that again
plumkat reblogged