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lady gaga’s career
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#lady gaga#gaga: five foot two#i hate men#men suck#fuck men#i hate boys#boys suck#fuck boys#i hate dating#dating sucks#fuck dating#men are the worst#boys are the worst#i hate relationships#relationships suck#fuck relationships#misogyny#sexist#sexism#misogynistic#patriarchy#gender inequality#male opinions
#lady gaga#court#courtroom#law#lawyer#sue#suing#i'm going to sue you#i'm gonna sue you#i will sue you#i'll sue you#see you in court#judge#i'm coming for you#bring it#bring it bitch#bitch bring it#i will fuck you up#i will hurt you#see you later#see you#you will hurt you#i will fight you#revenge#vengeance#watch out#watch out bitch
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apparently Lady Gaga is only 5'1 and somehow I feel lied to
she literally built a brand on wearing 10 inch heels how the hell did yall not deduce this
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