@please-someone-give-me-love on Tumblr

Please, give me a shot


OP, BTS, MDZS, Heaven's official blessing and Damian Wayne.

The only reason pop fans denied that BTS is on the same level or if it's not bigger than One direction is because they are koreans, if they were white boys being they would say they are above


im bored if you have any controversial (by any means) malcolm in the middle takes/headcanons/whatever send them to me im in the mood for controversy

All members of the family are awful and have done equally awful stuff to each other not just Malcolm to Reese


my controversial one piece take: i think a lot of people misinterpret garp's character/the role he plays in the narrative LET ME EXPLAIN

the majority of fandom, from what i understand, views garp as a good guy to be sympathetic towards bc he is constantly forced to choose between his family and his career. BUT!! IN MY OPINION!! i don't think that this is meant to be seen as something to sympathize with, or that he's meant to be read as a good guy in general. just walk with me for a second.

is garp TRYING to do good? yes. that's why he's in the marines. he wants to help people and he thinks he can fix the system from the inside (ie training the next generation of soldiers, like koby and helmeppo, do carry out justice the "right way").

BUT! marineford showed us that in the end garp is not prepared to speak up when the marines commit obvious and egregious acts of injustice--like the death of ace. you would think that of all people he would stand up for his grandson would be one, right? apparently not. and that's devastating on a lot of levels. bc it's obvious that he loved ace, and luffy, and didn't want them to be hurt, but at the end of the day it wasn't enough to make him take action.

dadan's reaction to ace's death, i feel, was supposed to act as a vehicle for the audience to say their piece too: she tells him to his face that what he did was wrong and that he's a bastard for continuing to choose his job over his family

(like i said this is just my opinion garp stans don't crucify me 😭)


i heard no lies in hot take fr

garp is truly an interesting character to behold. he hates the system and the celestial dragons and wants the next generation of marines to do better. he wanted so much for ace and luffy, to have lives beyond just who their fathers are. you can even say that where he failed with dragon, ace and luffy, he is avoiding doing with koby and helmeppo

(ex garp during marineford vs garp during egghead)

but he is also the same man who was complicit in the death of one of his grandsons, stood by and did nothing while akainu and kizaru were actively trying to kill him while jinbei, buggy and the wbp were escaping with him and it's his neglect and not being there during the bluejam incident that led to sabo 'death', at least there are implications TO ME that dadan blames him for it (as far as the anime's adaptation of the post war arc since she tried getting garp to stay to help with bluejam and his goons)

he loves his grandkids but he doesn't know how to treat them right. i look forward to seeing what happens next with the guy considering all that happened last arc


I think that aside of the whole marineford drama ia that, Garp didn't do a good parental job, he was kinda awful to both of his grandson developed serious abandoment issues and let Ace become suicidal from the age of 7, I think he did what he could in his position but as someone who has been studying the development of kids for at this time years, yeah, he kinda sucked at protecting his grandsons.


One thing I absolutely love about being Ace fan is when people come at me like "you only like him because he’s attractive" and I just smile’s replying "no, actually I love him because I relate to him since as a child, I was also constantly wondering if I had the right to live because my mother died birthing me."

And to see the awkwardness in their faces.

I’m absolutely not making that post for pity or anything, really. I just want to give an exemple of, in my case, why Ace is so important to me and this is probably what people tells me 3/4 of the times when I say he’s my fave. The other 1/4, I’m getting a donut joke (which actually makes me sad, I’m tired of donut jokes).

Honestly, stop assuming the reasons why some people get so attached to a character, it can be deeper that you think ❤️

Sometimes it just feels good to be understood, even by a character.

This is why, even my friends who aren’t watching One Piece understands my deep attachment to him ❤️


The thing with Ace and Garp is that, Garp never knew how to deal with Ace's grief, with his pain and loss, he gave Ace the comfort of a rock since he was a child, his tough love wasn't the one needed by Ace, maybe Luffy was able to get Garp at one point (and probably not a lot considering his abandonment issues) but Ace needed a loud love, an abrassive, warmful and excessive amount of love, that's why Luffy was able to get closer to him, that's why Whitebeard was able to make him his son because both of them were so loudly sincere, so incredible warmful and proudly loving him since the very beginning that he wasn't able to denied that he was actually being love by someone.


Segun mi mamá yo hago todo mal, yo soy la que arruina el dia, yo soy la histerica, fue mi error el que ella pusiera mal las direcciones en la comida, fue mi error el no querer salir de casa, fue mi error todo, estoy tan cansada.


I got sick, I am on my period, I am crying of pein because cramps and I can't breath or talk normally without sneefing every three seconds, I got fever and I just want to rest and my family keep bothering me, like I can help you later, just later, you can go for a glass of water by yourself, you don't need my help for that, you can wash your plates by yourself, you can go and pick that thing that you need, you don't need to call me for every single thing, especially not now, maybe in other time but not now


Fun Story to Share.

I got my (now 18-year-old) daughter into Ao3 back in 2021. I taught her she should always comment - even if the fic looks old or abandoned or whatever. She did.

Well - she got this email this morning:

The fic was written in 2014 and essentially abandoned.

Bethy read and reviewed in 2021 (and was actually the only person who had commented at all).

Today in 2025 - the final chapter was posted by the author and this was her reply to Bethy’s comment.


Never question whether a fic is too old to comment on.

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✨️Chapter 1138 reactions✨️

Luffy being the narrative embodiment of every #TeamShanks fan defending against the rat allegations. Love to see it <3

"except for Buggy" LMAO 💀 Luffy's going to be soooo disappointed/annoyed when he realizes Shanks does, in fact, care very much for Buggy. Oda you TROLL!

1) Franky you lucky bastard! 2) It's nice to see him fulfilling his dream of being an action figure. 3) LOOK HOW LITTLE HIS SKINNY LEGS ARE OMG 😭🥺💕

Frobin crumbs, Frobin crumbs, Frobin crumbs!! LOVE that Oda is using Franky of all people to relay the mural to Robin <3 (Robin looks very beautiful this chapter too 🥰)

Uh oh. A couple chapters ago I predicted that Collon + Usopp's group would end up having to protect the rest of the giant children because all the adults are wasted. Looks like I might be right. Nothing bad better happen to those babies! 😰

Me after taking in that last panel:


Luffy has a long history of befriending people that are labelled as "dangerous" by other people.

The first time he did that was on chapter 3 when he was considering asking Zoro to join his crew:

When Robin raised her worries over him joining an alliance with Law, Luffy simply trusted Law's reply that he wouldn't betray him:

While these scenes can be seen under comedic light in which Luffy is portrayed as a naive too trusting person, in reality he was right to trust his intuition. He's an great judge of people's character and so far he has trusted the right people.

Which brings me to this recent panel on Elbaph arc:

While everyone is bad-mouthing Loki, Luffy wonders if he's a good guy.

Perhaps, Luffy will befriend Loki like he's done with Zoro and Law ( and various others) in the past.


Usa citizens in tiktok: our future will be a fascist world and no one put attention to history that's why we are repeating ourselves.

Average latinoamerican experience having to face the reality of their country at the age of 5 and had to quit protesting because the goverment genocide them: lol, I know.


can we talk about how poor tommy had to be the fucking mental stability for MULTIPLE grown ass men as a child. Wilbur making Tommy his main reason for getting out of bed every day. Dream saying today that he and tommy would have MULTIPLE HOUR CALLS EVERY SINGLE DAY.

How did Tommy turn out so. *normal* with all the shit that got thrown onto him jesus chrost

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