™ Donnie and his family/social circle for Mal
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Donnie: “He’s th’best, obviously. My best friend and my husband. Need I say more?” Simon: “Donnie’s other best friend, but I’m not mad or anythin’. He’s alright.”
Tommy: “Giant goddamn teddy bear. I like him. He’s fun.”
Ian: “Giant goddamn teddy bear’s husband. He’s nice, quiet though.”
Gary: “This fucker’s hard t’ understand sometimes, partly from his accent, partly ‘cause he says batshit things sometimes. That’s alright, though, I like him, even if he scares me.”
Chris: “Ehh. He’s alright.”
Lewis: “He’s a dork with abs an’ he’s like a mushier version of Donnie. Good guy t’have in your corner.”
Gordon: “He’s bossy and drinks waaay too much coffee... kinda like an older brother I never asked for, yanno?”
Derek: “He ain’t bad for a detective-cop guy. Forreal though, he’s good. Also good t’have in your corner.”
Portia: “She’s nice. Like an actual mom. I like her.”