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20’s, asexual, non-binary. Sanguine. I’m just your friendly local plague doctor. You can call me Alex. I’m cool with any pronouns. If you like plague doctor cosplay, pictures of my pets, and the occasional shitpost, this is the blog for you
I also wrote a book, you can get it here:
Quest for the Sea's Revenge
Vega, Alex

FAQ about leeches

Please read before you ask about my pet leeches! If these don’t answer your q, send away!

You have leeches???

Heck yes! You can search my blog for “the squish squad” to see pics and videos of them!

How many leeches do you have/what are their names/how do you tell them apart?

I currently only have one leech. The Squish Squad originally consisted of five leeches named Squish Baby, Chungus, Burrito, Chocolate Chip and Wormitha. Over the years they have all passed on except Wormitha. I could tell them apart by their different colors, patterns, and sizes.

What species are your leeches?

They’re H. verbana, one of three species of European medicinal leeches.

How do you feed your leeches?

I usually feed them on myself. They latch on, take roughly 30 mins to feed, and then drop off.

How often do you feed your leeches?

Roughly once every 4-6 months is best, but they can go up to a year between meals!

Does it hurt to let a leech feed on you?

The initial bite feels like pinpricks. It’s equivalent to/slightly less painful than a flu shot. Once the leech has broken the skin and starts feeding, their natural anesthetic kicks in and it usually doesn’t hurt after that.

Are there any negative effects from letting leeches feed on you?

The main side effect is bleeding. They have a very powerful anticoagulant in their saliva that will keep blood flowing to the bite for 10-12 hours. But it will leave your system on its own and the bleeding will stop after the first day. Other possible side effects are allergic reactions and infections, but they are rarely seen in medicinal leeches.

Isn’t letting leeches feed on you dangerous?

Not when they’re a domestic species that’s been bred in captivity. Mine were purchased from a responsible breeder and were given a specific diet to minimize chances of infection/disease. Don’t ever just plop a wild leech on you and expect the same results as a captive-raised medicinal leech!

How do you keep your leeches from having babies?

Leeches only lay their eggs on land, so keeping them in an all-water enclosure will prevent them from reproducing. They will simply reabsorb their eggs, which doesn’t hurt them, and is actually much less energetically costly than laying eggs would be.

Where did you get your leeches?


As a fellow lizard parent I NEED to show you my little guy’s Parietal eye.

I’ve never seen one this prominent before as all the other dragons I’ve kept had been rescues and were a bit dinged up but this guy I took in because he needed rehoming.

Also dragon tax. First 3 pics I took late November last year about 2 weeks after I took him in, he’d been kept on sand so that’s what the little granules are and the bright yellow specks are dandelion pollen as he’d gone wild on a feast of those just prior.

Fourth pic is more recent.

He’s a 1 year 3 month old central bearded dragon who I suspect will reach a pretty good size as his legs are just about longer than those of my ~11 year old rescue who’s considered big for a central.


I know in theory that reptiles have a third eye but it’s so. odd. It disturbs me on some visceral level. It’s so fascinating.

Anonymous asked:

Is it possible to pet a leech? Do they like being handled or do they just tolerate it

It’s absolutely possible to pet a leech. Just use one (1) finger to stroke their back. I’m not sure if they “like” being handled but they can definitely get used to it and learn to recognize and trust their owner vs other humans. They’re curious animals and like to explore, so if you pull them out of the tank they’ll generally take the opportunity to snoofle around on your hand and arm.


Hi, I’m adopting a leech and doing my best to read up on care and stuff (this will be my first aquatic pet, so it’s a lot of new stuff for me). I’ve read through your guide and a few of your posts about your leeches. You’ve mentioned catappa leaves and alder cones a few times, I was wondering how best to use them? The tank I’ve gotten is actually super similar to your setup, so I’m hoping what works for you will work for me! Are they something you would use all the time or just for specific issues? (And also how much would you use? I had a read around online but there was a lot of conflicting information and not very much on leeches)

Sorry this is quite long! Honestly any advice you might have would be super helpful 💙


Personally, I use catappa leaves as a preventative measure and usually have one (small leaf) in the tank just to raise the acidity of the water and give them a natural boost against health issues. When they get sick, I’ll double the dose and maybe add a cone too if it’s bad. I usually only use the cones when they’re sick because they’re a lot stronger than the leaves.

A potentially helpful tip; sick leeches will sometimes throw up and make the tank really gross and require more frequent water changes, but the leaves and cones need to soak for a while to actually release the tannins that will help the leech. So if you’re in that situation, you can soak the leaves in a separate container and use that water when you do water changes.


It’s Moon Snail Mtuesday reblog to pass him to your followers


[ID: Two pictures of a moon snail that's sitting on a hand, almost completely engulfing it with its body. It looks wet and slimy.]


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