As a big hugger, it makes me happy to see two older dudes showing some genuine and friendly affection. You don’t see that as much. Guys get older and I think they feel like they need to get harder, colder, and less emotional—maybe like our dads or grandpas or something from a John Wayne movie, I don’t know. I just hope I can stay a big, gooey softie who hugs people and cries openly till the day I die.
Touch Isolation: How Homophobia Has Robbed All Men of Touch
“In America in particular, if a young man attempts gentle platonic contact with another young man, he faces a very real risk of homophobic backlash either by that person or by those who witness the contact. This is, in part, because we frame all contact by men as being intentionally sexual until proven otherwise. Couple this with the homophobia that runs rampant in our culture, and you get a recipe for increased touch isolation that damages the lives of the vast majority of men. And if you think men have always been hands-off with each other, have a look at an amazing collection of historic photos compiled by Brett and Kate McKay for an article they titled: Bosom Buddies: A Photo History of Male Affection. It’s a remarkable look at male camaraderie as expressed through physical touch in photos dating back to the earliest days of photography.”
I’m a big proponent of deep friendship bro-touching.
Only two more weeks to preorder Zodiac Starforce #1
Take this to your local retailer before August 3 and tell them to order you a copy of Zodiac Starforce #1 to secure you get this radical new comic!
Two weeks left to preorder issue one! Every preorder helps us get closer to getting renewed past four issues. We’re so close!
Reblogging this order form helps us a TON, too.
What he said!! Showing support for the book is the most helpful thing you can do if you want to see more Zodiac Starforce!!! <3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxoxo
Friends, remind me to do this.
Friends don’t let friends forget to preorder Zodiac Starforce!
(To clarify, if you order Zodiac Starforce #1 then we are friends for life! What a deal, right?! A cool comic and lifelong membership in the super rad Zodiac Starforce friendship club for only $3.99 and a quick talk with your local retailer! Who can resist that offer!??!)
Break down those barriers! Make friends!
Holy crap! @schorkweek is a truly epic friend! I posted these luchador bottle openers on tumblr yesterday and, today, one arrived in the mail for me. Thanks so much, dude!
I call this one "Friendship." Featuring @joekeatinge.