Attempting a viral archery trick!
Thanks to Orissa Kelly for the inspiration! I love a good impractical archery shot, but my mobility has a way to go 😬
adoro canções de ninar, acalmam meu coração
Whatever you landed on has completely disappeared from Tumblr. Any posts including or referencing it have vanished, and none will ever be made again. No one else notices its absence, and no one else will ever ask about it.
Espero que seja o único prêmio de Emília Perez
As Zoe Saldaña accepts that oscar I hope you all remeber she has endorsed and praised the racists Jacques Audiard and Karla Sofía Gascón over and over. She keeps defending the ofensive racist movie she was a part of and once again had nothing no say in her speech for the victims of cartel violence that Emilia Pérez exploits.
Absolutely embarrassing.
🕯 🕯
🕯Fernanda Torres 🕯
🕯 🕯
ive been thinking it over for a while now and ive finally come to the conclusion that something should probably be done about the united states
I have a suggestion
O ao3 caiu 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i love when a song is an acquired taste. you can listen to something once and go huh. there's something here even if im not quite ready for it yet. and you listen a couple more times. and then bam a couple weeks or months or years later you listen, youve finally worn the song in and it's the most beautiful thing you've ever heard
wow me dormi dos horas de siesta!! espero que nada haya pasado en mi pais argentina :D
toda vez que eu vejo um post de um argentino tenho flashback dos tempos de bolsonaro
Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado and his wife, Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado, have been instrumental in reforesting the Rio Doce Basin area in Brazil since 1998. Through their organization, Instituto Terra, they have planted over 2.7 million trees, successfully restoring more than 550 acres of forest and 2,000 natural springs. 
Their efforts have transformed a once barren landscape into a thriving forest ecosystem, demonstrating the profound impact that dedicated reforestation initiatives can have on environmental restoration.
Dehumanizing bigots is bad, not because I want to be nice to them, but because they are human beings and they serve as a reminder that anyone is capable of evil ideation and action. Violent bigots are not fundamentally different beings from you. They are human beings, who have developed a reactionary and destructive belief system due to their circumstances combined with their biases. In a different timeline, that could've been you. Anyone can be radicalized. Nobody is immune to propaganda, not even the person reading this.
i love apples
cbjr vai consumir minha alma qualquer dia desses