I'm really sick of the media still talking about the Newton shooting. I'm sick of seeing People magazine interviewing the families who lost their child to see how they're doing and the aftermath months later. I'm sick of seeing news articles about Connecticut challenging their gun laws. WHY? •You don't see any articles on the cover of People magazine interviewing the families in the South side of Chicago on the aftermath of their lost family member to gun violence. •There's no articles on any major news website on the 6 month year-old BABY killed by gunfire from gangs. •Conneticut has some pretty crime-ridden towns yet it takes a bunch of affluent,white children killed by gunfire for people to actually give a shit about gun violence. •nobody thinks of the impact of gun violence in the South side of Chicago, when more children have been killed there by gunfire than in Newton. •South Chicago hasn't had a trauma centre for adults since 1988. The closest one is 15-10 minutes away, which after mass blood loss is pretty critical to surviving. •A high-school student who started an organization to build a trauma centre nearby again was shot and killed by gunfire. White people complain so fucking much about shit they don't realize it could be SO MUCH FUCKING WORSE. HOW ABOUT HAVING YOUR KID KILLED AND NOBODY GIVES A SHIT?
On the bus to school today I was thinking about my learning disabilities, and the frequency I think/feel i' perceived as "dumb" by others. But then I put into the account of my racial ethnicities and the idea that my disabilities are "invisible"....
but then I thought about this:
If I was Black, my disabilities probably would not be acknowledged AT ALL. Instead the social concept that "black people are just dumb" would most likely be the reason for doing poorly in school. I probably would never be put on medication like I have since I was 5, or received any help.
When it comes to learning disabilities, Blacks have it the hardest.
This is an example of people having a hard time understanding that not all Latinos/Latinas or Spanish speakers look like dark-skinned Mexicans.
Birth Name: Kimberly Alexis Bledel
Birth Place: Houston, Texas, USA
Date of Birth: September 16, 1981
Ethnicity: Danish, French and German
Bledel is an American actress who is famous for her roles in the movies, Tuck Everlasting and Sin City and the television series Gilmore Girls. She was born to an Argentine father, Martin Bledel who was originally from Denmark and a Mexican mother, Nanette Dozier of French and German origin. She is fluent in Spanish.
photo by s_bukley / Shutterstock.com
-___- DETERMINE LATINONESS BY LANGUAGE NOT BY SKIN COLOUR. Her mom is from MEXICO, her dad is from ARGENTINA. Just because she is pale, with blue eyes does NOT mean you identify her as a White-European, who just happens to speak Spanish. This post is pretty racist IMO. A lot of light-skinned Latinos/Latinas, as like myself get a lot of shit in the Latino community and struggle to basically find acceptance because there's this belief that in order to be identified as a real latino, even if you speak Spanish fluently, YOU HAVE TO BE FUCKING BROWN. I'm not sure if this is due to hatred from the Spanish who conqured and killed a ton of people, but since Mexico rejoiced when Spanish won the World Cup a few years back, due to Mexico loving Spain now because they brought Catholicism to them (direct quote from a Mexican-American who answered my question as to why Mexico isn't pissed off as to what Spain did to them)...why would skin colour matter then, if you're happy about being Catholic now??? This whole light-skin issue in all races is really, really, really insane, odd, confusing and makes no fucking sense at all. It's a mixed place to be because I'm aware of light-skinned privilege in society, and I experience it (as a tri-racial woman who can pass as white) no kidding about that...but at the same time I hear stories of African-Americans with dark skin who tell stories of how light-skinned African-Americans won't talk to them because of their differences in complexions, or the popularity and usage of whitening products in Asian countries.
Once, I was flipping channels and stumbled upon one of the BET channels, and here was this discussion by several African-Americans about skin colour. As soon as I landed on the channel I heard this man say this, which I've yet to forgot: I think light-skinned Blacks, and dark-skinned Blacks should be two different races. </end of my commentary>
insane article I'm going to write about for a class on culture
Here are some quotes from this retarded article:
"The researchers go beyond habits of study to the very essence of how students learn. For instance, they say, white children take to symbols and abstractions, Asian children absorb data without context and black children relate better to people than to numbers.
Such theories played a part in the recent decision in Milwaukee to create two public schools, an elementary and a middle school, specifically for young black males. Earlier experiments in other states showed that academic achievement can be raised by tailoring classrooms to reflect the culture and environment from which students come..."
""White children have patterns of abilities, strengths, use of language, social skills and demeanor that teachers take to," Dr. Hale-Benson said in a telephone interview. "When black children differ from these patterns they are penalized."
"Take Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Bill Cosby and Eddie Mur phy," Dr. Hale-Benson said. "They have made distinct contributions to American culture, but they would be a kindergarten teacher's worst nightmare. She would wind up tell ing Michael Jackson to sit still, Mi chael Jordan to sit down and Bill Cosby and Eddie Murphy to shut up."
I took a class on race last semester...this is ^^ are all racial stereotypes and complete utter BS. John McWhorter (author of a book we read..he's a Black linguist at UC Berkeley)would call this outrageous, and examples anti-intellectualism. His book was about Blacks and why they struggle in school. One of his reasons was Black's resistance to anything taught that was "white related", because they couldn't relate to it and it didn't refer back to them.
ex from book: "Pride and Prejudice is a white book, why are you reading that?" (he was asked by a fellow black female friend)
He quoted students who refused to learn about Newton in their science class because, "He's just some old white guy i can't relate to", "why can't I Learn about what my own people did?"
Separation from "white" American society is what is driving them apart, and people like that Doctor woman are only going to make things worse. Refusal to learn anything but subjects that you "relate" to will only hurt you academically in the long run, and a limited education is NOT an education.
Did you know that Average SAT scores for Middle-class Blacks in 1995 was 956? The closest to the range by whites was whites in the $10,000 income range with an average score of 941. And blacks from households with graduate degrees, their SAT scores were even lower than the Blacks from Middle-class backgrounds with an average score of 936.
Oh BTW woman, we don't talk about the pilgrims to study/or talk about our ancestors. Not everyone is related to the Pilgrims (durrrrrr), we discuss it due to the pilgrims "connection" to Thanksgiving.
*Racial Stereotype: right there: all whites are related to pilgrims -______-, which is like saying all Asians are from China. My Jewish-Lithuanian maternal grandmother wasn't on the Mayflower... try Holocaust refugee...you know 20th century?
Also Asian children, black children, white children ALL HAVE THE SAME LEARNING ABILITIES you just refuse to acknowledge it because you'd rather pull the race card and discuss something that is completely irrelevant to education. Race does not impact education or how someone learns. This author is an idiot.