Edvard Munch (1974, Norway) Directed by: Peter Watkins
“To convey the hostile response Munch’s work often received during his lifetime, Watkins recruited Norwegians who genuinely disliked the paintings.”
@pixienatthecat / pixienatthecat.tumblr.com
Edvard Munch (1974, Norway) Directed by: Peter Watkins
“To convey the hostile response Munch’s work often received during his lifetime, Watkins recruited Norwegians who genuinely disliked the paintings.”
#BucketList item No. 20 | The Northern Lights
Inspired by @LCBaez
Typography by Craig Ward
Alaska? Norway? Iceland? There are lots of #BucketList-worthy places to see The Lights. With Venture Card miles, the hardest part is choosing your vantage point.
Edvard Munch (1974, Sweden/Norway) Directed by: Peter Watkins
K. Why are they targeting Norway?
-Norway was never Muslim land (They want to re-conquer Spain and south of France which use to be Muslim terrority)
-The bomb did not go off in a mosque which is really the target of both sides within the Muslim religious war (they blow each other's up at each other's mosques during peak prayer times, lovely isn't it?)
-The Wahhabi groups supposed focus target (near enemy) is the religious faction practising the wrong form of Islam. Then the distant enemy are non-allah/God followers like Buddhists and Hinduists. FYI Christians, Jews and Muslims all share the same God. However considering Israel obviously their luv 4 Jews is almost nada.
-However terrorists target civilians that's the definition of a terrorist, use civilians as yoru shield.
In conclusion: This may have been the work of someone not affiliated with any Wahhabi ties, and possibly the work of some angry Norwegian citizen pissed off at the government. But then look at the London bombings and Spain bombings.
Ugh this planet sometimes.