#don't do this – @pistachioinfernal on Tumblr

Words Have Power

@pistachioinfernal /

ON HIATUS: Be brave, be kind. Feminist, socialist, anti-fascist, she/her. I once asked Chuck Tingle if he might write a kids book. AO3. Multifandom blog. About. Follow 'wholesome' tag for cute stuff. 50ish age

Parents should not be reading your journals

Parents should not be searching through your trash 

Parents should not be snooping on your private social media messages 

Parents should not be taking your bedroom door off 

Parents should not be invading your privacy 

reblogging this because when they go through my phone and find my tumblr they’ll see this

As an actual mom, I approve this message. If your parents say it’s a normal part of parenting, no. No it’s not. They are wrong.

Nothing like constantly violating you kid’s privacy and trust if you wanna end up dying alone in a nursing home with no contact with your kids and never having gotten to meet your grand-kids in 40+ years…

That’s to say nothing of how much you’ve screwed up your kids themselves by doing that crap to them.

Parents shouldn't read their kids journals, or their phones, or their emails. Parents should at least knock before entering their kids rooms. Parents shouldn't barge in on their kids in the bathroom. If your bedroom and bathroom have no door. That is very bad. That is not normal. That is abuse.


being a lesbian (and bi, pan, etc.) woman can be so hard and lonely because women specifically in our current culture are socialized to be very physically intimate with each other.

growing up my girl friends and i would shower together and cuddle and hold hands and do each other’s makeup and link arms when we walked down the street and share food.

and some women are on different levels of comfort and intimacy with each other, like maybe no shower-sharing or hand-holding etc. But on one level or another, we are raised to be physically affectionate and it’s normal.

and once we realize we’re not straight, suddenly people around us are scrutinizing us. anything we do with out friends must be because we’re attracted to them. so we start becoming afraid to interact platonically with women at all.

even if our friends reassure us they trust us and don’t feel that way, we hear other people saying shit like “what? you shower with her at the gym? you let her sleepover in your bed???”

“that’s like doing that with a guy, isn’t it?”

and we know that every single second of our time spent with straight women is spent being studied through a microscope by other heteros who see as as predators. It’s heartbreaking.

And if we don’t have great friends, because hey, when you’re younger sometimes your friends aren’t always great, we end up with no reassurance and we start worrying maybe we ARE crossing boundaries when we tell a best friend “you look hot in that dress” when we just meant it as a normal compliment, so we isolate ourselves from female friendships.

it’s sort of like a joke I hear a lot, “why do so many gay/bi/etc. girls have all guy friends?”

but the truth is actually really sad bc we’re afraid to interact with women because of the scrutiny we face in our every word, expression, and gesture.

if you’re straight and your girl friend isn’t, here’s something to know: it is impossible for me to exaggerate how much it means to me when my straight friends normalize physical intimacy with me in front of judgmental people. When my straight friends hold my hand in the mall or link arms with me, or when they help me fix my hair or ask me to fix theirs, when they ask me to help them put on a necklace or unzip a dress, etc. I know these all seem like little gestures but there are so many things I miss about “straight friendships” because I didn’t realize I liked women until I was 19, and some of my friends started acting different around me, stopped touching me, didn’t want to share beds, etc. and now I’m hyper-aware of my interactions with straight women to the point of misery. So when you bridge that gap in the little ways, saying you don’t care and you trust me and love me and don’t see my any differently, it means the world tbh.


Please please please

I saw a post about “Please stop hitting on women while they’re at work” and I 100% agree with it, which is why I’m making a separate post to say please don’t hit on people in general when they’re at work.

I work at a bakery and we have this sweet 16 about to turn 17 year old boy who works up front of our store. He used to work at the place next door to us and, while he was there, a girl he was working with developed a bit of a crush on him and asked him out.

He said no, that he has a girlfriend (which she already knew) and thought they could just continue on being friends and coworkers.

Since beginning work at our bakery she stops in every single day and talks to him for the entirety of her 30 minute long break. He has told her multiple times that he’s at work and can’t stand around and talk and when I asked him if he was uncomfortable his response was a very relieved “Oh, God, yes.” 

He’s tried to talk to one of the owners about it and his response was “You can talk to her after work” not realizing this poor boy is being made incredibly uncomfortable on a daily basis in the work place. 

When we told him he could come into the back to find something to do if he needed to he was so incredibly thankful and relieved. This girl spent twenty minutes standing up front waiting for him to come back after he said he had to go do something. Twenty minutes in the front of the store ever after being told he can’t talk to her. He doesn’t know what would happen if he says that he doesn’t want to talk to her and is genuinely nervous every time she walks in.

The only reprieve he gets is from the bakers in the back saying “I get it. Come back here” because the Owners don’t understand that he, a male coworker, can be made uncomfortable by these unwanted advancements being made toward him. 


This post isn’t made to undersell not hitting on women while they’re at work. I get that and that’s why this separate post exists.


Don’t hit on people when they’re at work.

Don’t hit on people when they can’t tell you no. 



Dear white cosplayers

I have several friends/acquaintances who are white and also cosplay! And there is nothing wrong with that.  Unfortunately, I’ve seen some popular cosplayers I admire put on “brownface” to cosplay characters like Korra, Katara, and other people of color.  That is not ok.  What seems like innocent dressup to you is a tradition rooted in racism which dehumanises real people of color.  Skintone is not a costume. 

There’s a cosplayer I used to follow who has been doing this a lot lately.  I have sent them private messages explaining why that was hurtful to people of color in the past, when I saw them giving tips on “how to tan to look like Korra.”  My messages to them were ignored.  I have seen friends of mine who pose with them, condone it, and turn a blind eye. In a way I did that myself after my messages were ignored, I just quietly unfollowed because I couldn’t support it but I didn’t want to call them out publicly and cause a huge fuss.  But these cosplayers and former friends of mine are  still doing it, and I’m getting asks about it, saying “I know you are a huge fan of so-and-so! Why aren’t you commenting on their brownface?”

So I’m making this post now to help clarify the brownface issue for white cosplayers who Don’t Get It, if they would actually read about this instead of ignoring those who bring it up to them.

Because I am a myself a white person, I’m really not the best spokesperson for brownface and whitewashing. Instead, I’ll like to some posts from PoC that explain why slathering on fake tan or makeup to look darker is racist:

If you are a cosplayer who does or has done brownface, that is bad and you should feel bad.  But there is a silver lining.  Now you know!  And you can change for the better.  Nobody is saying you can’t cosplay characters like Korra- just stop wearing her skin color as part of your costume.

And if you have white friends who cosplay using brownface, talk to them about it.  Show them this post. Show them them the brownface tag. Don’t just turn a blind eye to systematic racism.


Dear white cosplayers

I have several friends/acquaintances who are white and also cosplay! And there is nothing wrong with that.  Unfortunately, I’ve seen some popular cosplayers I admire put on “brownface” to cosplay characters like Korra, Katara, and other people of color.  That is not ok.  What seems like innocent dressup to you is a tradition rooted in racism which dehumanises real people of color.  Skintone is not a costume. 

There’s a cosplayer I used to follow who has been doing this a lot lately.  I have sent them private messages explaining why that was hurtful to people of color in the past, when I saw them giving tips on “how to tan to look like Korra.”  My messages to them were ignored.  I have seen friends of mine who pose with them, condone it, and turn a blind eye. In a way I did that myself after my messages were ignored, I just quietly unfollowed because I couldn’t support it but I didn’t want to call them out publicly and cause a huge fuss.  But these cosplayers and former friends of mine are  still doing it, and I’m getting asks about it, saying “I know you are a huge fan of so-and-so! Why aren’t you commenting on their brownface?”

So I’m making this post now to help clarify the brownface issue for white cosplayers who Don’t Get It, if they would actually read about this instead of ignoring those who bring it up to them.

Because I am a myself a white person, I’m really not the best spokesperson for brownface and whitewashing. Instead, I’ll like to some posts from PoC that explain why slathering on fake tan or makeup to look darker is racist:

If you are a cosplayer who does or has done brownface, that is bad and you should feel bad.  But there is a silver lining.  Now you know!  And you can change for the better.  Nobody is saying you can’t cosplay characters like Korra- just stop wearing her skin color as part of your costume.

And if you have white friends who cosplay using brownface, talk to them about it.  Show them this post. Show them them the brownface tag. Don’t just turn a blind eye to systematic racism.


A brilliant way to respond to dick pics (x)

I love 2016, The year that women have Had Enough

But how are they finding these men’s Facebooks through their instagrams?? Leak this week info!!!

Most people have their full names on their instagrams and the same photo too. But this is perf.


This is great

Source: 9GAG

article: trans women are overwhelmingly affected by homelessness and addiction in australia and there is one group who tries to help them specifically because they are often rejected outright from help just for being trans women


Please tell me this isn’t starting. – MR

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