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It is very simple.

1- Stop doing the whole "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" thing. That's buying into a sexist worldview even if you switch the values around to "the things I associate with women are good actually" like people tried to do with astrology. You just end up sounding like James Dobson.

2- Get principled about supporting bodily autonomy. Actually internalize the idea that people's bodies belong to them and they can change them if they want. The right to do this comes pre-installed on all people and no one needs to "earn it". You don't even need to conclusively prove that it would make you objectively happier or anything, you should be able to just do it if you want.

3- Understand that trans people are infinitely varied. Even the subcategories of trans people (such as trans women) are infinitely varied, just like cis people. There isn't one singular and universal trans experience just like how there isn't one singular and universal gendered experience. Don't rely on stereotypes and assumptions to form your idea of what being trans is like.


Right, back to Ace Attorney Investigations: Prosecutor's Gambit, and the new guy: Bodhidharma Kanis.

Religious dog guy.


My wife did some glass etching, so we have a bunch of glasses with this at the bottom.

This was early on in our marriage, these are just the glasses we use every day.

Fast forward to when my son is five years old. He has learned to read. He has graduated from sippy cups.

When I hear him wailing and crying I come running down the stairs, and he's inconsolable. Took a lot of soothing and time to explain to him that it was just a joke. He wanted the glasses destroyed, but as a compromise we retired them from use for a while.


[image description: a drinking glass. the words "you have just been poisoned" are etched into the bottom, so that you will see them after you finish your drink. end image description.]

Official ominous cup


I don't know how to articulate this well, but I really fucking hate the way a lot of thin writers write fat characters. Like how men write women "breasting boobily" there is something so dehumanizing about how fat characters are often written. "He waddled", "he lumbered", the writer of the book I'm reading always mentions this characters "fleshy hand" when he does something with his hand. Like, we already know that he's fat. There is no need to describe everything he does as "doing it fatly".


Ive seen people be like in modern fantasy like "oh the pritagonists can just look up spells on their phone how do you solve that"

Imma be honest most people who go on recipe websites and book every recipe they see don't even use them lmao why would with be different

Given how terrible most recipe websites are i can only imagine how bad spell websites would be

Having to navigate someone's entire life story of how they became a witch in order to get to the part where they actually talk about the gods-damned banishing ritual

the number of 'easy 3 step spell to fly' that at best do nothing, and have a good chance of doing something very bad to you is non zero

Three words "BuzzFeed Spell Hacks"

five minute witchcrafts

Can not emphasize enough that there are IRL articles about spells and witchcraft that read like that. It would not be that much of a stretch to go full recipe blogger.

  • Me in the dungeon, typing into Google: "How to cast a light spell"
  • Remembering that time I waded through "This is my family's super-secret can't-miss light spell! When my grandmother was a child in Lithuania, she had a pet pony named Brambles" only for the spell to call for six candles and a bottle of holy lighter fluid
  • Delete delete delete delete
  • Me in the dungeon, typing into Google: "reddit how to cast a light spell"

Trying to figure out if the "moon fed rosemary" is really an important part of the spell or if regular rosemary will work and the author is just trying to get me to spend $19.99 plus shipping


I love this picture so much! Post it whenever I come across it.

Mongolian Girl Has a Laugh with her Camel.

The little girl’s name is Butedmaa and she was just 5 when this picture was taken in 2003 by photographer Han Chengli, who titled it “Inner Mongolian Child”.


"You spend enough time in a dark place, you forget what home looks like. And that doesn't mean the yearning is gone, especially when it finds you again."

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