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Pipe Cleaner Universe


The adventures of a wide variety of pipe cleaner characters.

I tried some little test animations to make my whole pipe cleaner world more pipe cleanery, so I took inspiration from Yoshi's Wooly World. Here's Yoshi appearing from yarn.

I was jusst planning out the supplies that I need for each scene's background for the Sonic Movie traielr. I think I also need to conisider how long the scene is and not put too much work into the backgorund for a scene that you'll see for half a second. I also went and looked up other people's recreations of this trailer and they were inspiring and so much fun to watch. It's nice to see that others are just as crazy as me. I hope they had fun making their animations.


I tried some little test animations to make my whole pipe cleaner world more pipe cleanery, so I took inspiration from Yoshi's Wooly World. Here's Yoshi appearing from yarn.

I'm still working on the Sonic trailer of course, but I've had to retake all the pictures of any Shadow scenes I've done because they haven't been good enough.


I've been working on the Shadow scenes for the trailer project, and I need to not worry too much to make everything perfect, but I still do, but I think I've found out some ways to make the backgrounds quicker and easier. I just need to be super focussed and get lots of work done at once.

These are some screenshots from my past animations where characters from diferent lands have met.


I was just trying to film a timelapse of me animating (yesterday's time lapse was actually a sped up video), and today I was trying to make a timelapse from my phone while animating from my tablet so that I can make timelapse of me animating, but I didn’t think of a bunch of challenges before starting the timrlapse like that this camera isn’t zoomed in like the animation. It’s also hard to set up the two cameras so they aren't in each other’s way. But it was an experiment. Now it’s back to work on this animation.


I finally figured out how to give my Sonic characters the longer pupils like @SageAsuka on Youbube suggested. I hadn't even thought if I could do it before they asked, so thaat was a fun adventure. I still need more practice using this new techbiwue. I hope you guys like it. I made the orange Tails just to see if this would even work and then I thought why not film making a Tails?

I still need to get used to making these timelapse videos. They aren't very comfortable to make, and I would make the critters faster without filming it because I'm doing a lot of it by feel since I'm just not used to having a camera on the figures as I make them and I still worry I might accidentally scratch my camera with the pipe cleaners being so close. But hey, doing these gives me both a new figure and a new video, so then I can stress out less. :D

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