pinktsun reblogged
Source: dolly-angel
pinktsun reblogged
I took a walk in a flower for the first time.🌼🐌✨
pinktsun reblogged
"Sorry, I was being pushy again..."
pinktsun reblogged
ఌ sweet lolita, hotaru
pinktsun reblogged
pinktsun reblogged
pinktsun reblogged
an old drunk man told me to enjoy my life and have fun because I’m only 24 and I have so many years and so much life ahead of me and then he went “and you know what? in ten years when you’re 34 you’ll still be young and have your whole life ahead of you” and it was really comforting to me
pinktsun reblogged
私のメロディーはあなたにメリークリスマスを願っています!! 🎀
pinktsun reblogged