The young Olympians on a camping trip
Hephaestus: Asked to bring fire wood. Brings fire wood, a smore kit and an extra tent. Spends the entire night on the fire only talking to Dionysus.
Dionysus: Asked to bring the food and drinks. Brings drinks and weed but forgets the food. Is the only one who laughs at Hermes’ jokes but then again he laughs at everything.
Persephone: Demeter made her bring 10 spare blankets and home baked cookies and feels embarrassed about it but still has fun. Stops Hermes from eating poisonous berries.
Apollo: Brings a guitar and nothing else. He thought it would be fun to be the background music and sound effects. Gets super cold and steals 3 of Persephone’s blankets (one for his legs, one for his back, and one for his guitar).
Artemis: Turns up late, but with marshmallows and burns all of them. Tries to start a drinking competition between Hermes and Ares.
Ares: Car pooled with Athena. Brings harder drinks than Dionysus (to prove a point he said), drinks too much of it and punches a tree.
Athena: Car pooled with Ares so there’d be at least one driver who isn’t plastered. Starts everyone off to complain about Zeus and boy does it get spicy.
Hermes: Brings only salt crackers. Dares Artemis to make a smore using them. Gets tipsy and makes dad jokes all night. Was the one who told Ares to punch that tree.