eeeeeeee digital grimoire eeeeeee
For the past few weeks I've been in the process of digitising everything from my irl grimoires over my years of practice into one big google doc. and when i say everything I mean
e v e r y t h i n g . . .
I decided to do this because I have dyslexia. Writing by hand has always been a struggle. Words change in my field of vision all the time. Letters always seem to be in the wrong place and oh my god the line jumping. I hate the line jumping. And on top of that i'm also a perfectionist. there's always new information i missed or mistakes i didn't realise until they were already written down.
A digital grimoire just sounds a lot more efficient for how my brain works. I can edit and reformat things, I can make links and organise my references and since i'm a digital artist as well I can add my own artwork to the pages for some extra zest.
Here are some examples of my current page formatting (ignoring any grammar mistakes).
so far i'm rly enjoying this but damm i got a lot to get through and I'm currently on 45 pages including a reference list. I might even fuck around and make a front cover.