oh, the places we went!
my little girl, i love to show you the world! hope i can wholeheartedly dream about “oh the places you'll go” again soon.
@piavalesca / piavalesca.tumblr.com
oh, the places we went!
my little girl, i love to show you the world! hope i can wholeheartedly dream about “oh the places you'll go” again soon.
rose cake - a yunnan classic. warm and crispy puff pastry filled with fresh, fragrant rose petals🌹. so good! // rosenkuechlein - eine spezialitaet aus yunnan. warmer, knupriger blaetterteig, gefuellt mit duftenden, suessen bluetenblaettern frischer rosen🌹. so gut!
exploring the baisha murals. already had a bun in the oven when we shot theese =D
beautiful jinmao hotel with views of the jade dragon snow mountain 🐉🏔 lijiang, yunnan🇨🇳
black dragon pool 黑龙潭 in jade spring park at the foot of elephant hill
Lijiang, Yunnan, China
above the roofs of lijiang old town // ueber den daechern der altstadt von lijiang
one year ago we went to yunnan and explored quirky and colorful lijiang old town. the picturesque alleyways of this UNESCO world heritage site are furrowed with trees, flowers and crystal clear creeks of spring water ❤️. all over town you‘ll find creekside cafes and restaurants inviting you to try the amazing yunnan cuisine. china can be so beautiful! // vor einem jahr flogen wir nach yunnan und erkundeten die quirlige altstadt von lijiang. die pittoresken gassen dieses UNESCO weltkulturerbes sind gesaeumt von baeumen und blumen und durchzogen von kristallklaren quellwasserbaechen❤️. ueberall gibt es schnuckelige cafes und restaurants, in denen man die hervoragende yunnan-kueche geniessen kann. china kann so schoen sein!