Southern Comfort (2001)
A beautiful scene featuring transgender man Robert Eades and his transgender girlfriend Lola.
Southern Comfort (2001)
A beautiful scene featuring transgender man Robert Eades and his transgender girlfriend Lola.
Sol LeWitt - Double Negative Pyramid
Agnès Varda - Jane B. par Agnès V. (1987)
Illegalize gay marriage again for Shane Dawson
The most accurate political compass.
man why did niggas bring “crackhead” out of the high school lunchrooms and chain link fences of the early 2000′s and onto the internet in 2019. now people on both sides of the aisle don’t know how to act.
The American MSM idealizing eggboy…is just another indication of how pathetic this country is. Democrats are trying to oust Omar from their ranks and whatnot and they’re shunning the muslim woman who confronted Chelsea Shillton…but they have time to fawn over this eggboy fella? Talk about crippling (white) guilt. Just throw the whole spectacle away lul.
“Man’s form of body.” The Rosicrucian cosmo-conception, or, Mystic Christianity. 1911.
She’s ass fugly . Ben could do better lol😂
Buddy is this really the hill you’re willing to die on?
“straight twink”
@camilamz ig
Reblog to have something good happen at 1:42 tomorrow