Ahhh this is so awesome! I love you all to bits <3 I figured i’d stick to the hella boring tradition of listing blogs because idk what else to do, so YES i will note down my chickas and then all of you who aren’t following them can go follow them :) these people have made blogging about crazy arrow/flash stuff extra fun and are truly the best! (I bolded my bff’s)
sideblogs: smoakgifs, thearrowgifs, dailyebr, amellywoodsource
trash squad: aaronswarner, arsenalroy, blondefelicity, felicitysss, flicitysmoak, haynesrickards, ladymalfoi, ohlicity, olicities, olversqueen, pansexualsmoak, queenlythea, rosetyleres, snoaked, snowbarry, snowcaitlins, stemilies, tommymerlyns, wittyfelicity
follow forever: scrumptiousmoak, olicitycaps, contrasts, huntrcss, chriservans, ohcaptainswans, saralances, superclones, royharperh, killersmoak, olequeen, nyssasara, skyesagents, kateargents, allenssnows, amellsqueen, olicityalways, fieryheart-s, felicity-smoakqueen, dumplingnooona, skyeswaerd, klarolicityswan, snowbarys, whattalovelyscene, lydia-martin, vigilcntes, phoebes, katyswartz, allisonaergents, octaviaravens, sstephenamell, hisfairassasin, owenselliot, jonswatch, sentence-fragments, felicitycaitlin, lieutenantsmoak, belledearie, irisallens, amellrickards, colindonnell, stilinksihales, fitzwardz, forever-erica, meghanqueen, emillybett, olicitysmoaks, sunshinesmoak, arthurdrvill, captainsamell, olicitykisses, sarcasticfina, smoakinhotqueen, strawsbarry, cophines, jbuffyangel, oliversmoak, felicityholysmoak, doe-eyed-girly-evil, no-one-seesyou-likeido, felicityromanova, smoakandswan, glamorous-enterlude, colinodonorgasm, littlegirlinvisible, fe-li-ci-ty, gibbinwes, felicitysmock , felicityswoak
sorry if i missed you out :( + blogroll