Some songs from SHINee 1 of 1.
Hey hello hi I’m back.
Couldn’t resist Onew’s gif-worthy faces in the promotional video for 1of1.
Lately a lot of skin tone-restoring blogs have been created and somehow fansites (and here I’m going to especially talk about Onew fansites) caught wind of them and had to tweet some clarifications:
Do NOT re-edit ON THE RECORD’s data. Especially what you’ve called color restoring. Have you ever seen Onew actually? If you have so, you dare never did this. 실제로 보기는 했는지가 의문. 찾아보니 온유뿐만이 아니라 멤버별로 저런 계정이 한 두개가 아니던데 맘에 안들면 직접 찍어서 보정하시길;; 나 참 내가 찍은사진 내가 보정하겠다는데…?
Do not edit my picture. Don’t be rude. 1. 동양인의 피부가 무조건 까맣고 노랗다는 편견을 버려.사진은 개인의 저작물이고 보정 또한 찍는 사람의 취향입니다. 니가 뭔데 복원을 위해 최선을 다하니.. 내 노력을 무시하고? 2. 남의 사진 가지고 복원에 최선을 다한다고 할 시간에 외국에서도 어떡하면 스트리밍을 한번 더 돌리고 음원을 한번 더 사고 앨범을 한장 더 사서 샤이니의 앞날에 도움이 될까 고민하시는 걸 추천합니다. 3.보정전 내가 찍은 원본도 저렇게 까맣진 않단다 얘야.. 진기를 실제로 한번이라도 보고 복원을 하네마네 하는걸까여? 사진 복원할 시간에 한국말 공부 한자라도 더 하세여. 지금 이 공지도 이해 못하겠지.. 4. whitewash같은 소리하고 자빠졌네 정말.. 백인우월주의에 빠진건 사진찍고 보정하고 공유 해주는 분들이 아닌 지금 이 사태를 만든 여러분이랍니다^_^ @colorjinki 계폭했던데 한번만 더 걸려봐 아주 월드와이드급으로 개망신 줄거야. 멘션주시는 분들 일일이 답변 못해드려서 죄송합니당’_’) 힘낼일은 아니구 쫌 화가 나는 일이죠.. 인종차별 뻐킹 ㅠ.ㅠ! 요새 바빠서 업로드 1도 못하고 있는데 트위터에만 이러구 있어서 지송스럽네여(..)하하 모두 남은하루 마무리 잘하시길!
There are some tumblrs who edit ONEWRANG’s pictures, so-called ‘melanin restore edit’ or ‘whitewash.’ DO NOT EDIT PICTURES. #스플님멘션_참고했어염
There are some tumblrs who edit Snow Flake’s pictures, so-called 'melanin restore edit’ or 'whitewash.’ DO NOT EDIT Snow Flake’s PICTURES. We don’t care whatever you insist. However, it is also bias that all asians’ skin color is yellow or dark. If you want to do restoring thing, do it with your own pictures. 2차 가공 하지마세요. 재복원같은 소리하지 마시고요
In light of these tweets, I’d like to ask people to maybe reconsider the fact of restoring pictures as being a good thing. I can understand the anger and frustration fansites can feel when seeing their photos being edited; they spent hours calibrating and editing their photos in order to share with us HD pictures so we can get a little glimpse of our Jinki even though we live thousands of km away. I do not support whitewashing and I’d never do that, however you cannot edit a picture when you don’t know in what conditions it has been taken; the lighting, the make-up (yes bc sometimes the boys have so much fondation on their faces they look really fair),etc… Besides a lot of those bloggers do a very poor job at un-whitewashing photos and end up yellowshing them. The boys may be quite tanned they are not carrots. As ontherecord mentionned most of those bloggers have never seen Onew irl and so don’t know what his skintone looks like in the first place. This matter of whitewashing is becoming more and more hard to handle as several different cultures collide with one another. You need to remember we do not share the same mentalities, we were not raised with the same beliefs and that’s why you need to be mature and open minded and understand their points of view. The thing is the more you keep sticking to your guns and keeps telling them they whitewash their pictures, the more they’ll get frustrated and they’ll eventually stop sharing their pictures with ifans. Kfans already are very easily pissed at ifans for some reasons and this whole situation only adds fuel to the fire. So in the end I’d ask you please, instead of editing fansites’ pictures, to only share the photos you think of ‘not whitewashed’ and ignore the fansites you consider as ‘whitewashers’, in order to preserve that already really thin and fragile bond we share with korean fans.