I feel like we (as in adults, men and women both) take for granted that we all just intuitively know how to pleasure ourselves. Most people I know, myself included, stumbled upon this great spot that felt good when I was young and just sorta figured it out. I started rubbing it, the rubbing felt good, I had my first orgasm, and I’ve been rubbing that same spot ever since with an ever increasing collection of accessories. But, what happens when you don’t stumble upon that spot and you don’t figure it out? It’s not really a part of our culture that our parents or a friend are supposed to sit us down and show us how to do it like riding a bike or balancing a check book.
I’ve been surprised over the last few years how many adult women I’ve met (I’ve yet to meet a man who hadn’t figured out how to jerk off. I’m sure he exists, though) who haven’t ever had an orgasm because they simply don’t understand how to make that happen. While I will continue to remind you that you will need to figure out your sexuality and what turns you on, I think I can at least get you started. First we need to discuss what you’re working with “down there.”