Top 5 Charity Pyramid Schemes Stealing Your Cash | Brainwash Update (by breakingtheset)
Abby Martin calls out the top 5 American charities that are stealing your money, while giving less than one percent of donation to their respective causes. Tampa Bay Times’ Top 50 Worst Charaties:
Gen. David Petraeus: We Can’t Leave Afghanistan Now, They Have Trillions of Dollars of Minerals (Sounds like Western imperialism for sure.)
"If Afghanistan can become the central Asian ‘roundabout,’ to use President Karzai’s term, to where it can be the new Silk Road, think of the implications for that, recalling that, of course, Afghanistan is blessed with the presence of what are trillions, with an ‘S’ on the end, trillions of dollars worth of minerals if, and only if, you can get the extractive technology, the human capital operated, the lines of communication to enable you to get it out of the country and all the rest of that. Very big ‘if.’ And of course, there’s a foundation of security that would be necessary on, on which to build all of that. But, again, the prospects are very significant if you can achieve objectives." — Gen. David Petraeus, Meet the Press, Sunday, August 15th, 2010
Can you say exploitation?
Relevant: This is why although US forces are brokering a “withdrawal” agreement with the Afghan government, it is contingent upon leaving nine already built military bases open, building a tenth, and leaving an occupying military presence of 10,000 troops at least, likely for decades.
Bill Maher Democrat Lackey | Brainwash Update (by breakingtheset)
Dr. Cornel West on Racism, Inequality, & American Empire (by breakingtheset)
Published on Apr 11, 2013
Abby Martin talks to activist, author and Princeton professor, Dr. Cornel West, about class warfare, race issues, corporate greed, and the American empire. LIKE Breaking the Set @ FOLLOW Abby Martin @
I love this video. And I love RT news for this. Fucking Brilliant!!!
By change do you mean “revolution?" Aristotle described two types of political revolution: 1. Complete change from one constitution to another 2. Modification of an existing constitution.
When people talk change, they mean, they want the state to give them the things they used to give or to give them even more things. How does the state acquire anything? It’s only by theft, by stealing from the very people that want “change" If they cannot steal it now, they either borrow it from another country willing to steal from it’s citizens to give to our citizens, or it’s willing to put off the ballon payment till a generation or two has passed. So theft of future generations. The System is stone-cold violence, but we are indoctrinated to believe, it’s that system or a modification of the same system, or nothing else.
Most people don’t want liberty or freedom, even when they say they do, because the thought of that much freedom is terrifying. What they want is more control over the collective in their geographical area.
Each country that is going through turmoil will eventually find a politician who will lie well enough to promise them, what they want, but that is the con. The sleight of hand that no one sees what is really going on. It’s the same card game, you are asking someone, most likely a politicians, to play your hand. Using the people’s money, energy and so-called “rights" as collateral. When you don’t like losing, you insert another willing to help you win big. It’s the same card game with only different players, all willing to use what you have in the promise to gain you more.
Big Money, Big Money, No Whammies.
Philip Slater, Earthwalk (via vulgartrader)
an interview with members of the general public. Vox populi is a Latin phrase that literally means voice of the people.