I just saw an old post of yours about a crappy therapist, and I can relate to the feeling so hard. My last psychologist I saw told me that my paranoia wasn't paranoia, it was social anxiety. When I told her that it was in fact paranoia, she told me just to tell myself "it isn't real". Like yeah, Karen I KNOW they can't read my mind, but they're reading my damn mind, Karen.
Oh cool i’m not alone in hearing dumb shit from those people. But yeah AARGH I hate when therapists/psychologists/psychiatrists say shit like that! Of course we know shit isn’t really happening! We can’t just magically feel better after we tell ourselves it isn’t real, cuz the feeling will ALWAYS nag us. And it feels real. And what if it IS? It’s not easy letting our guard down. That’s why it’s called paranoia personality disorder. So annoying.Where does she even get that it comes from your social anxiety tho… paranoid feelings and social anxiety feelings, although they can have some similar traits, are NOT the same omg.