#the last days – @palatinewolfsblog on Tumblr

The Meaning of Life is to give Life meaning.


Palatine. German. Citizen of the World. Historian. Part-time Philosopher. Selfmade Artist. Interested in culture, music and spirituality. Feel free to comment my thoughts and creations and have a good time sharing. Thanx!

‘On the Fifth Day’ By Jane Hirshfield

On the fifth day the scientists who studied the rivers were forbidden to speak or to study the rivers.

The scientists who studied the air were told not to speak of the air, and the ones who worked for the farmers were silenced, and the ones who worked for the bees.

Someone, from deep in the Badlands, began posting facts.

The facts were told not to speak and were taken away. The facts, surprised to be taken, were silent.

Now it was only the rivers that spoke of the rivers, and only the wind that spoke of its bees,

while the unpausing factual buds of the fruit trees continued to move toward their fruit.

The silence spoke loudly of silence, and the rivers kept speaking, of rivers, of boulders and air.

In gravity, earless and tongueless, the untested rivers kept speaking.

Bus drivers, shelf stockers, code writers, machinists, accountants, lab techs, cellists kept speaking.

They spoke, the fifth day, of silence.

Time to listen. Time to think. Time to act. Now!

The night won't last forever. It won't stay dark. Those days that we don't like, they won't be the last days. We look through them. We look forward to a light. We already belong to it and it won't let us go. Helmut Gollwitzer (german theologian, writer and - socialist).
Toughts and musings of a German left wing Evangelical For some time now I’ve been dealing with a question. If we look at Germany today - is a similar development conceivable as the one in the USA? An alliance of evangelical Christians with people on the right wing? An alliance even with conspiracy theorists? The “Querdenker”, as they call themselves. (A term that is mostly translated as lateral thinkers, unconventional thinkers or - mavericks.) I would say: Yes. A minority of evangelical Christians is approachable for right ideas or conspiracy theories. This group of people with an evangelical profile of faith is small, but still visible. You ask, how we know?  More than once our police had to break up demonstrations against the Infection Protection Act. Demonstrations initiated by the anti mask movement. Demonstrations with very many participants, that violated hygiene rules. These demonstrators also include Christians from the evangelical spectrum. What are the reasons for this alliance? One reason for the closeness of some Christians to the “lateral thinkers” can be, that quite a few of these people no longer see themselves represented by the government. The feel an icy wind of change blowing in their direction. They see social and political developments, they can’t accept or tolerate. Lateral thinkers see themselves as free citizens who protest against their “incapacitation” by the state. They see themselves as victims of diffuse powers that want to turn them into puppets. Some evangelicals feel the same way. They see themselves threatened and marginalized in their cultural and religious self-image. Why? Think of liberal abortion laws, same sex marriage, the current Israel policy, the growing influence of Muslims (and – Jews?), an inconsistent refugee policy. In short:  Instead of “german unity”, “cultural integrity” and preservation of traditional religious values, all they see are   open borders,  breaking dams, rot and decay. Significant here is an interpretation of the Bible that begins with Jesus’ warning to seriously consider the signs of the last days. These now seem to have come. False Prophets and Messiahs everywhere.  Democratic institutions in a state of decline. Corona seems to be the ultimate proof:   Soon and very soon the world as we know it will be  replaced by a new, demonic, anti-christian, babylonian world order that demands and erforces absolute submission. This mighty Narrative also includes comparisons between the corona crisis and the manifest state crisis of 1933. Of course there are counter-arguments - even arguments based on the Bible. But  these people are in a state of alienation. Try as hard as you can. You can’t succeed. You can’t reach them anymore. The Evangelical Alliance (of German Free Churches,  confraternities, communities  and relief organizations) wrote a letter to its members before a large demonstration and warned them not to compare the Infection Protection Act with the Enabling Act of Hitler. But many of them do. And i guess, this is only the beginning.
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