In Christ Alone | Celtic Worship
A beautiful Hymn even if it repeats the age-old doctrine of atonement. Is it truly necessary that (this) man satisfies the wrath of god? In my humble opinion the cross magnifies his love - more powerful than the powers of death or hell or - in modern terms - structural evil, injustice and racism.
Think about it… Have a blessed good friday, y'all!
Once again woman is missing. But what humanity needs is a common ground to start from and - maybe - learn to love...
"The world of humanity has two wings. One is woman and the other man… Should one wing remain weak, flight is impossible."
Abdu'l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity.
"A man is never as big as when he is on his knees to help a child." Pythagoras.
Writings of an experienced Barista… ;)
Have a pleasant, spirited Weekend, y’all. Pentecost is coming… O;D
Neil Gaiman, American Gods...
Galatians 3.28
Let’s take a new look at each other. Let’s view each other in the light of the good news: Despite all our differences, in the eyes of God we are one - his people. People of equal value. Let that sink in and - get a taste of freedom!
Happy Easter 2021! God bless you!
In Christ Alone | Celtic Worship
A beautiful Hymn even if it repeats the age-old doctrine of atonement. Is it truly necessary that (this) man satisfies the wrath of god? In my humble opinion the cross magnifies his love - more powerful than the powers of death or hell or - in modern terms - structural evil, injustice and racism.
Think about it... Have a blessed good friday, y'all!
Horace Walpole
Pity the Man who has neither…
Menachem Begin
Woodrow Wilson
Not to forget - women… ;)
Voila, un Homme... (Hommage a L.).
The only King (the man in the mirror).
Inspired by the iconic Time cover.