Random Thoughts on Ascension day.
In Germany also known as Father's Day. When fathers meet up with friends. Go on a hike with handcarts full of drinks and food, forget about their daily work and problems and have a good time.
The actual meaning of the day - that Jesus returns to his father - moves into the background.
No problem.
After all: It's just another ancient story that defies Logic and - Gravity.
I see it differently. And start with an even older story of a powerful ruler from the Ancient Orient who staged his personal ascension.
His name is Naram Sin of Akkad.
Until today we see impressive statues of him in museums and a very special stele too.
A giant with a helmet with horns that emphasize his superhuman strength.
We see him climbing a stairway - up to the stars.
His followers right behind him.
Enemies fall or are trampled under his feet.
What a scenery.
This guy knew how to impress others.
He knew a lot about - Progaganda.
I have to think of some modern powerful people who are also making their way up - at the price of people being left behind or becoming victims.
Elon Musk comes to mind with his dream of reaching the stars.
A leader for whom other humans are only means to an end.
And then i must think of this Carpenter King from Nazareth.
Who wanted to help others.
Women and children, outsiders, strangers,
the many victims of the powerful few.
He had a dream of a better world.
He had a vision of peace and social justice.
And he gave his life for it.
Without fear of the powerful, who tried their very worst to crush and destroy him and his friends.
Ascension Day is a reminder to me that this story went on and continues to this day.
Ascension Day teaches us to look ahead and up.
Take courage even when things get tough.
To make this world a better place.
Let's try. He show us the way and will help us to succeed.
Ascension Day is an reminder:
Dreams and Visions can come true.
Change often begins with an individual who breaks new ground and inspires others.
Helps them to focus on their dreams, goals and ideals and keep moving.
Remember: The sky is the limit! ;)