171016 Ken Fancafe
울 애기들 잘 있나~~~요즘에 춥지? 내가 안아줄게~잉누와~~~~헿
Are our babies sleeping~~~Isn’t it cold recently? I’ll hold you~ingcome hewe~~~~heh
울 애기들 잘 있나~~~요즘에 춥지? 내가 안아줄게~잉누와~~~~헿
Are our babies sleeping~~~Isn’t it cold recently? I’ll hold you~ingcome hewe~~~~heh
이 새벽에 안자는 스탈라잇~! 나도 작업중이예요 야근 또는 밤샘 공부 뭐든!! 저는 거의 안자고 있으니까 항상 같이 빠이팅하고 있다고 생각하며 힘내요!!!
To the Starlights who aren’t sleeping in these early hours~! I am working too Everyone working overtime or staying up all night studying!! I usually don’t sleep, so think that we are working hard together and have strength!!!
#12. 푸르른 풀
#12. Green grass
2013.09.16 ⓒ2017. Lee Hong Bin All rights reserved.
나 지금 되게 급해…
I’m really in a hurry right now…
Get out of my wayㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋBecause I need to pee peeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이거 얘기하면 안되는데..나 사실..저번달인가.. 스파이더맨 봤는데 그 후로..친해져가지고! 이거 절대 비밀이라고 했는데 얘기해버렸네ㅜ 아무튼 애기들만 알고있어~!알았지????
I shouldn’t say this, but..I actually..was it last month.. I saw Spiderman, and since then..we’ve been getting close! I said I would definitely keep this a secret, but I ended up saying itㅜ Anyway, only you babies can know~! Alright????
T/N: Ken has also been answering a lot of fans’ responses to his posts on the fancafe, but…finding them and such is a bother (runs away~)
배가 너무 고프다ㅜ밥 먹었나 울 뵬뷫애기들!
배고픈데 뭐 먹지 다같이 꼬기 먹으러 갈까~??? 어디서 모일까 울 애기들~~~~~~
I’m so hungryㅜDid our Storlyght babies eat!
I’m hungry, but what should I eat Should we all go together to eat mweat~??? Where should we gather babies~~~~~~
#10. 캘시퍼
#10. Calcifer
2013.11.01 @Sweden ⓒ2017. Lee Hong Bin All rights reserved.
친구구함 생명의 은인 예대츠미
Looking for a friend Your life’s savior
(Friend Making Board)
닉네임을보호하는건 아직도 잘모르겠다 알려주세요 로빅
Protecting your nickname I still don’t get it Please explain Rovix
(Nickname Protection Board)
와! 혁이에게 존경받는 이벤트에 당첨되었어요. 정말 멋져요👍👍👍👍👍
Wah! I was chosen for the event Receiving Hyuk’s Respect. Very cool👍👍👍👍👍
(Event Board)
라비 착한가여? 네 천사입니다! 날아다닐까 걱정이예요 ㅡ
Ravi are you good? Yes I am an angel! I’m worried about if I should fly around ㅡ
(Question Board)
오늘 실물 모니터했는데 잘생겼더라구요 네 모니터링마벨.
Today I monitored them in person, and they were handsome Yes monitoring-my-bell.
(Monitoring Board)
라비 술 마셨나요? 놉.
Ravi did you drink alcohol? Nope.
(Starlight Chat Board)
설마 그럼 엘알스포인가요?!!!!!!!! 놉.
Then is this an LR spolier?!!!!!!!! Nope.
(Question Board)
진짜 보고싶었는데ㅡ진짜 바빠서 못봤어요. 저를 위해서 저한테만 솔로버젼으로 보여주세요 5시간만 제발요 재잔지!!!
Really I wanted to see itㅡbut I was so busy I couldn’t see it. Please show me a solo version just for me Just 5 hours Please Jaejanji!!!
(Hamlet Support Board)
마타하리 보고싶어요 근데 시간이 안날거같아요어쩌죠?
I want to see Mata Hari But I don’t think there will be time What should I do?
(Mata Hari Board)
리얼리티해주세요 🙏
Please do a reality show 🙏
(MTV Diary Board)
끝! 즐거운 하루되요^^ 진짜로 잊지않고 생각하고 있어요 스탈라잇 안녕!
The end! Have a great day^^ I really am not forgetting and am thinking of you Starlights bye!
(To. ST★RLIGHT Board)
T/N: Ravi posted these on a bunch of different boards.
170704 N Fancafe
여행 잘 다녀왔습니다. (+ 수정)
6월 26일 아침. 우린 공항에 무려 2시간이나 일찍 도착했다. 유심도 사고 일본에 가는동안 먹을 간식도 좀 사고, 비행기에 오르니 정말 여행이 실감났다.
I’m back from my trip. (+ Edit)
The morning of June 26th. We got to the airport a whole 2 hours early. We bought SIM cards and some snacks to eat on the way to Japan, and when we got on the plane, it really felt like a vacation.
170615 N Fancafe
Find the hidden NNN
Starlights are the best
Today seems like that kind of day^^ A day when I just want to see Starlights for no reason A day I want to see you all the time
170608 Ken Fancafe
오늘 날씨 좋은데..혹시 한잔하실분….있나요~?
야쿠르트 한잔ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The weather is great today..Is there anyone….who’ll have a glass with me~?
A glass of Yakultㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
T/N: Yakult is a very sweet (non-alcoholic) yogurt drink.
170606 Ken Fancafe
굿나잇~!잘자 울 애기들!!
Look forward to it~ Kenlet is coming soon~!><
Goodnight~! Sleep well our babies!!
아침은 맛있게 먹었나~울 뵬뷫애기들~얼른 보고싶구만!
Did you eat a delicious breakfast~ Our Storlyght babies~ I want to see you already!
넘나보고싶음..ㅜ ㅜ자랑스러운 울 스탈라잇~><
I really miss you..ㅜ ㅜOur Starlights I’m so proud of~><
별빛과 함께한 소중했던 장소, 별빛이 함께했던 소중한 추억, 지금도 생생하게 기억합니다.
지난 5년동안 빅스를 지켜줘서 고맙고 고맙습니다.
The special places together with Starlights, the special memories together with Starlights, I still remember them vividly.
Thank you so so much for looking after VIXX for the past 5 years.
Trans. cr: fyeah-vixx
#5. 벽화 (신발) [photoby.콩]
2017.03.05 @somewhere
ⓒ 2017. Lee Hong Bin All rights reserved.
#5. Mural (Shoe) [photoby.Kong]
2017.03.05 @somewhere
ⓒ 2017. Lee Hong Bin All rights reserved.