#170908 – @paetoi on Tumblr


@paetoi /

Paetoi *:・゚✧ VIXX

170908 Leo Twitter Reply Compilation

자 해볼까

Now shall we try


save me

Leo: 닉네임이 좋다

Your nickname is great

(T/N: Their nickname means “Taekwoon-ah should we get married”)

 (Private account)

Leo: 공부해라!


지금 몸이 안좋아서 따뜻하게 누ㅜ워임ㅅ는데 오빠보고싶어8ㅁ8

I’m not feeling well now, so I’m lyㅜing down, but I want to see you oppa8ㅁ8

Leo: 아프지말자

Let’s not be sick

멘파 하나요?

Are you doing a mention party?

Leo: 그렇지

That’s right

나 택운이한테 답멘 받으면 성적 진짜 잘 받아올 수 있는데 공방 가서 성적표 보여줄 수 있는데!!

If I get a reply from you Taekwoonie, I’ll be able to get really great grades, so I can go to a music show and show you my report card!!




Answer me

Leo: 박력있네

You’re a go-getter

요즘 대학교 때문에 정신 없는데 응원해 줄 수 있어? ㅠㅠ

Recently I’ve been out of it because of university, so can you cheer for me please? ㅠㅠ

Leo: 화이팅!


나 내일 시험 보는데 응원해줄 정택운구함

I’m taking a test tomorrow, so I’m looking for Jung Taekwoon who will cheer for me

Leo: 응원!


오빠 오늘 무대 올라가기전에 팔이랑 어깨 흔드는 뒷모습이 약수터에온 귀요미같았아ㅓ염

Oppa, before you went on stage today, the backside of you swinging your arms and shoulders was like a cutie who came to a mineral spring

Leo: 🔥

요즘 재밌게 본 책 있어 ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀?

Is there a book you enjoyed recently ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀?

Leo: 요즘 볼시간이 없어..

Recently I haven’t had time to read..

(Private account)

Leo: 멀어도 지켜보고 있다

Even if you’re far, I’m watching over you

너무 갑작스러워서 무슨말을해야할지모르겠어ㅠ 항상고마워 택운

It’s so sudden that I don’t know what I should sayㅠ I’m always thankful Taekwoon

Leo: 고마워




Leo: なんで?


요즘 민율이 봐요??

Have you seen Minyool recently??

Leo:  봤지!

I saw him!

고등학생 국어 가르치는데 오늘 문법 부분이라 아이들도 지쳐하고 같이 힘들어요  힘 좀 주세요 레오오빠!

I teach high school Korean and today was grammar, so the kids were tired, and we all had a hard time Please give me some strength Leo-oppa!




Answer me pleaseㅜㅠㅠ

Leo: 울지마라

Don’t cry

오빠 저 뮤지컬배우가 꿈인데 언젠가 기회가 된다면 꼭 같은 무대에 서는 날이 있었으면 좋겠어요, 저 진짜 꿈 이루려고 열심히 노력할게요!

Oppa, my dream is to be a musical actress, so if someday there is an opportunity, it would be great if there was a day we could stand on the same stage, I’ll really work hard to make my dream come true!

Leo: 나도 노력할게

I’ll work hard too

진짜 정택운 멘션 한 번만 받아보면 더이상 소원 없을 듯 점이라도 찍어주시면 안 됩니까!!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Really if I got a mention from Jung Taekwoon just once, I would have nothing else to wish for Could you put even just a period!!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Leo: 소원


지금 뭐해?요?

What are you doing?now?

Leo: 인천가는 중

I’m on my way to Incheon

오빠의 답멘기준이 그때그때 눈에 보이는거라고 했죠? 내 멘션은 보일랑가ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

Oppa, you said that you answer depending on what you see at the time, right? Can you see my mentionㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

Leo: 보였네

I saw it

답멘 받으면 수능 올1 찍을게..! 못 찍으면 젤피 앞에서 위스퍼 춤추겠음 (진심

If I get a reply, I’ll get 1′s on all my CSATs..! If I don’t get them, I’ll dance Whisper in front of Jelpi (Earnest

Leo: 회사앞은 안됨

Not in front of the company

요즘도 공카편지 봐요~?

Do you look at the letters on the fancafe recently~?

Leo:  항상 보고있지. 요즘은 어플이 편해서 자주 봐!

I’m always looking at them. The app is handy, so I look often!


I love (you/it)!

Leo: なにが?



Taekwoon-san I miss youーㅠㅠBut you’re far awayㅠㅠ

Leo: すぐにほんであうから

I’ll see you soon in Japan

나한테도 답좀 해주라 ㅇㅅ"ㅇ

Give me a reply too ㅇㅅ"ㅇ

Leo: 답!


내가 참 마니 조아한다 정택운!!!!!!

I really like you lots Jung Taekwoon!!!!!!

Leo: 고마워^^


왜 내꺼는 안보이나ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 봐라보ㅏ라봐라봐라 얍!

Why can’t you see mineㅠㅠㅠㅠ See it See it See it See it Yap!



(T/N: Yap is a sound to yell for strength/concentration.)

택운아!!!!!!!!!! (쩌렁쩌렁) 하지만 못보겠지….(쭈굴)

Taekwoon-ah!!!!!!!!!! (blaring) But you probably won’t see it….(unconfident)

Leo: 보인다

I see it

와… .읽는다고 생각하고 글쓰니까 눈무리 날 것 같운데 건강 챙기고.. 걱정이야 증말….. ㅂ약 필요하면 회사로 보낼게 ㅠ

Wah… .I’m writing this thinking that you’re reading it, so I feel like I might cry, but take care of your health.. I worry really….. If you need medicine, I’ll send it to the company ㅠ

Leo: 엘알컴백실화다

The LR comeback is real
오늘 남은 하루도 힘냅시다. 🔥 날씨가 참 조으네

Let’s have strength for the rest of the day. 🔥 The weather is pretty great

오늘도 모두 고마웠어.

Thank you to everyone today as well.


170908 Ken Fancafe

이거 얘기하면 안되는데..나 사실..저번달인가.. 스파이더맨 봤는데 그 후로..친해져가지고! 이거 절대 비밀이라고 했는데 얘기해버렸네ㅜ 아무튼 애기들만 알고있어~!알았지????


I shouldn’t say this, but..I actually..was it last month.. I saw Spiderman, and since then..we’ve been getting close! I said I would definitely keep this a secret, but I ended up saying itㅜ Anyway, only you babies can know~! Alright????

T/N: Ken has also been answering a lot of fans’ responses to his posts on the fancafe, but…finding them and such is a bother (runs away~)

나는 로빅이다. 오늘 #뮤직뱅크 #Whisper 무대를 마친 #빅스LR 요원들의 모습이다. 언제나 변함없이 응원을 보내주는 별빛요원들 최고! #잘생긴애_옆에_잘생긴애 #불타는_금요일_스탈라잇과_함께🔥

I am Rovix. This is the #VIXXLR agents after their performance of #Whisper today on #MusicBank. Starlights agents who always send their unwavering support are the best! #AHandsomeKid_NextTo_ AHandsomeKid #TGIF_Together_With_Starlights🔥


170908 Ken Fancafe

쟈니가.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Jyani said..

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Jyani said to use your money carefully Is it your dream to be a beggar?

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