Fanfiction Appreciation Day
Fanfiction has been a cornerstone of my life since I was ten years old. I have written a few pieces of my own but I have read so many more that have defined important moments in my life. I have hidden behind fanfiction when I was sad, or lonely, or desperately seeking an outlet for the feelings I could not put into words.
The authors who have put themselves out there have touched me. They’ve changed me. They’ve made me a better person.
And it is so fucking hard to write but they did it anyway.
So I want to take a moment to share my appreciation for the fanfiction writers who give so much of themselves, of their time, and do not receive the recognition they deserve:
You are amazing. You have worked so hard to create something magical. And maybe you do not think you’re good enough but I can guarantee that you’ve touched someone too.
Thank you for making the world a little brighter.
Thank you for sharing your stories.