@orteil42 on Tumblr


@orteil42 /

hey, i'm orteil! i made Cookie Clicker. it was an accident

Spore shouldn't have been 1 game with 5 different gameplay segments it should've been 5 separate games that each let you load your save from the previous one.


the entire internet at our disposal and there's nothing fun to do with it anymore. when was the last time you typed in a url just to see if it existed


i think the near-extinction of people making fun, deep and/or unique interactive text-based browser games, projects and stories is catastrophic to the internet. i'm talking era, nothing against it.

there are a lot of fun ones listed here and here but for the most part, they were made years ago and are now a dying breed. i get why. there's no money in it. factoring in the cost of web hosting and servers, it probably costs money. it's just sad that it's a dying art form.

anyway, here's some of my favorite browser-based interactive projects and games, if you're into that kind of thing. 90% of them are on the lists that i linked above.

if you're ever thinking about making a niche project that only a select number of individuals will be nerdy enough to enjoy, keep in mind i've been playing some of these games off and on for 20~ years (Alter Ego, for example). quite literally a lifetime of replayability.

since this post blew up, i've been wanting to do an addition with all of the recommendations from the comments and tags. but there's a lot of them. some people might be crazy enough to sit down and seriously put them all in one post with descriptions. those people are honestly sick in the head.

anyway, here's all of the recommendations from the reblogs. not all of them are text-based, but it's a great mixture of styles. also don't forget the links in the second paragraph of the OP which will take you to FMHY where there are a bunch more games listed.



  • Text Game Builder - works in your browser, with just a little bit of Python (by @grumpygandalf)
  • Twine - great (free!) tool for making text-based games quickly.
  • Ink - scripting language for interactive fiction (also free)
  • Flashpoint Archive - a community effort to preserve games and animations from the web.
  • PICO-8 - fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.


  • Library of Babel - interactive illustration which attempts to simulate what it might be like to browse The Library of Babel.
  • Superbad - technically not a game, sprawling website full of secrets.
  • 17776 - serialized speculative fiction multimedia narrative about football in the far-future. beautiful, creative, legendary. created by Jon Bois, a legend and one of my favorite writers of all time.
  • Choice of Games - text-based, choose-your-own-adventure games (interactive fiction). some free-to-play, others can be bought like an ebook.
  • The Deep Sea - scroll to the bottom of the ocean. encounter the humble squid and his friends (by neal)
  • Space Elevator - like The Deep Sea, but up instead of down. you can equip your avatar with a scarf (by neal)
  • Internet Artifacts - an interactive history of the early internet (by neal)
  • If The Moon Were Only One Pixel - scroll through an accurately scaled model of the universe.
  • r/incremental_games - reddit community for incremental games.
  • r/WebGames - reddit community for web games in general.

thank you to everyone who contributed and the creators. please be sure to show them some love where possible.

Anonymous asked:

Have there ever been any frustrating points in programming Cookie Clicker that made you question your choice to become a game dev rather than, say, an elevator inspector?

rarely the game itself but on occasion having to deal with mobile port compilation errors and ever-shifting app store policies had me wishing to retire to the mountains and raise sheep and renounce the use of electricity yes

Anonymous asked:

is new merch planned at any point?

yeah it's been on the todo list but capitalism scares me

Anonymous asked:

when writing cc code do you develop it in the browser or the binary steam version

i call my server host and whistle the bytecode directly into the phone


fiddling with Cookie Clicker and making the logic somewhat less framerate-dependent so i can up the fps from 30 to 60, which i might have you guys test out at some point because there's no way i caught every little thing this could break. i tried my best but still

also considering making the game scale up on larger monitors. Cookie Clicker looks great on my friend's giant triple-wide setup but it makes the big cookie look so lonely


Cookie Clicker is so full of...odd design choices to put it kindly. yet i must resist the urge to fix what's questionable but not broken

dungeon minigame still not finalized tho! i get to revise that again and again and you can't stop me!


Cookie Clicker is so full of...odd design choices to put it kindly. yet i must resist the urge to fix what's questionable but not broken


today's Dutch vocabulary lesson

  • dustsucker
  • crumbthief

i appreciate the intricate meanderings of the usual Simpsons plot. an oil spill happens and therefore as a logical consequence Bart starts work at a brothel

Anonymous asked:

hi toeman, i know that This Website's Hate Mail Game Is Insane and it's a meme for ppl to antagonize you, but i wanted to share some Love Mail!! i remember that you said you were worried about your American fans,

I want to share that I'm an American fan in a red state - but!!!!

i just got a gender affirming surgery a few days ago and having cookie clicker open has been really helping with the surgery recovery and it makes me really happy to know that you care about us too, even if things are kinda really fucked up rn

(also my grandma loves your game and she says "this french gentleman knows too much about our kind")

hell yeah lmao tell me more about your grandma


outstanding. please tell your grandma i said hi and also if you've got any pictures of said cookies to share by all means

Anonymous asked:

do you think god approves of what you have done? of what you have brought upon the world?

Anonymous asked:

hi toeman, i know that This Website's Hate Mail Game Is Insane and it's a meme for ppl to antagonize you, but i wanted to share some Love Mail!! i remember that you said you were worried about your American fans,

I want to share that I'm an American fan in a red state - but!!!!

i just got a gender affirming surgery a few days ago and having cookie clicker open has been really helping with the surgery recovery and it makes me really happy to know that you care about us too, even if things are kinda really fucked up rn

(also my grandma loves your game and she says "this french gentleman knows too much about our kind")

hell yeah lmao tell me more about your grandma

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