organsounds reblogged
Kate Bush at home using her Fairlight CMI synth (c. 1980)
Kate Bush at home using her Fairlight CMI synth (c. 1980)
me with the cake I made and the sky
-Come look at me . 19′ . Nigeria
Ph. Lakin Ogunbanwo
Ladislav Guderna, “Abstract Form in a Moonlit Landscape,” 1969.
vikki dougan by ralph crane 1953
Hair '88 - Vogue US (1988)
By Wayne Maser
got taken out to lunch, bought flowers, and dicked down on a random Tuesday…………
Boulders in now abandoned Dogtown, MA. In the 1930s Roger Babson commissioned unemployed stonecutters to engrave 35 boulders with “inspirational” phrases after the announcement of the stock market crash that would lead to the Great Depression.