I would give so much just to see this production. But it's not playing anywhere I'm not (honestly) afraid of visiting, nor in the US during available times...
So, yeah. My theatre class just gets better and better. Today, we went over theatricalism... my God, I love Robert Wilson so much. And who DOESN'T love "Waiting for Godot"??
We even watched the Sesame Street version of "Waiting for Godot", which was odd, but funny. ^^
And we watched a few Brecht productions. I got laughed at in class for actually understanding it. O.O I don't see what was so hard to get. The whole thing was talking about death versus not really living at all, or living a fake life. I don't understand why no one else got that...
Maybe I'll post the video from youtube, if I can find it...most people wouldn't get it, because not a lot of people understand thing like Alien Theatre, let alone Epic Theatre or the Theatre of the Absurd. There are just certain forms that people don't understand, especially these days, because we like to go sit there and just WATCH, not think and do all the work, rather than the other way around.
That may be why it's not as popular today, either...
Now I really want to find that video...hmm...
Maybe I can find a link...
AHA! Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2H-eJWW3ps&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL9843EDF37A64A197
Anyway, that's all I really have to say for now. We have to do our midterm over either Joe Turner's Come and Gone or Yamauchi's The Soul Shall Dance, OR we can do an argument essay, saying whether Realism or Theatricalism is better, OR we can write an essay, or interview, about a certain type of theatre... We can do Epic Theatre, Theatre of the Absurd, Gay/Lesbian Theatre, African-American Theatre....the list just goes on. I'm thinking I might do a paper over Theatre of the Absurd. I happen to have a soft spot for the belief that human existence is completely pointless. ;)
That, or I might do something over Robert Wilson's epic theatre production, Einstein on a Beach... I honestly wish I could have gone and seen that sometime. It'd be incredible...