a few days ago, on Saturday, at work, i was accused of STEALING a guest's iPod. i was, obviously, extremely offended, seeing as I've never even given a thought to shoplifting, never watched a pirated movie, or even illegally downloaded a song. It's WRONG; it's ILLEGAL. Hence, i don't DO IT.
Anyway, i work in housekeeping, and the guy claimed that it must have been me because i was working on that floor the day before it went missing. But his mistake was that he had a Do Not Disturb sign on the door all day, so I never went into that room. Regardless, i offered to help look for it, along with a maintenance guy with a metal detector. We were searching the room when i asked the guest what kind of iPod we were looking for. because there's a significant difference between a black iPod touch and a tiny, pink iPod nano touch-thingy. i pulled out my own iPod for reference, and he pointed at it, saying that it was his. And i laughed.
obviously, i knew that it was my own iPod, but to prove my point as innocently as possible, i told him that i actually still had my proof of purchase in my purse, because i'm a packrat who doesn't throw anything away until it becomes obvious that i need to. Second, i told him that my iPod is filled with music like wizard rock, timelord rock, panem rock, veggie tales, and movie soundtracks, which i highly doubted he ever heard of, let alone listened to. and lastly, i turned on my lock screen and my home screen, to prove my final point.
I told him that unless he was as obsessed with oncest as I was, this was most certainly MY iPod, not his.
but we never did find his iPod in the room. i feel bad for the guy. he probably had some cool, easy listening music, maybe a few business apps. i bet he'll miss that iPod. or maybe not, idk...
whatever, the moral of the story is: don't accuse me of stealing because i've never stolen a freakin' thing in my LIFE. and oncest can get you out of anything, apparently.