I have an appointment with my specialist today, and I realized I’m already braced and defensive. sigh
Reminder: he’s not my boss. He’s not my manager. He’s not my legal guardian. He’s not my professor. He can’t fire/flunk/evict me. I don’t have to justify my choices to him, though he does need to be informed, and he’s entitled to at least a brief explanation.
He’s a consultant I am voluntarily coming to for advice, and I can accept or reject that advice as I see fit. I don’t need his approval, I just need to be able to work with him on the problem at hand. And the solution doesn’t have to be exactly what he proposes. After all, I’m the one out here where the rubber hits the road, dealing with the complications that life always introduces. I’ll implement plans as I see fit.
Oh, and I get to express my own disapproval if he treats me like I’m too young, too ignorant, or too sick to know what I’m doing. After all, he’s the one who doesn’t actually read the emails I send him, just skims the first half dozen words and flicks off a reply.