The use of plastic straws by disabled people became a moral detriment suitable for public shaming before lack of accessibility became a moral detriment suitable for public shaming.
My disabled YouTuber friend now gets harassed when she uses a plastic bending straw (an accessibility tool, something she NEEDS in order to drink, no alternative currently works) in her videos.
Reminder right here: no matter how someone looks, their disability will not always be apparent to you.
But when my disabled friend is denied emergency evacuation plans out of a building because the elevators get shut off and she uses a wheelchair, does the building owner get shamed or harassed? No.
Those are the power dynamics at play here.
Imagine if ableds cared about accessibility as much as they care about banning plastic straws.
As much as I’m in favor of reducing plastic waste, we shouldn’t throw disabled people under the bus in the name of “saving the environment”.
Let’s keep it to the level of “you need to ask for a straw”, not “all straws must be banned ombwtfbbq”. Recognize that there is currently no non-plastic alternative for a bendy straw. Recognize that some people actually need bendy straws or they can’t drink. Recognize that this is only one of many, many thoughtless exclusions that disabled people have to face every day.
Just because an item is a luxury/convenience for you, that does not mean it is optional for everyone.