Omg yesss, another person who's in both the KHR and AssClass fandom. What do you think of a crossover between the two with Nagisa as Tsuna's teacher?
Sounds awesome! The interesting question would be this, though: Would this be during, before or after KHR canon (as in the duration of the manga)? And what kind of teacher are we talking? Following AssClass canon with Nagisa as a schoolteacher? Assassination teacher? Tsuna picking up ninja powers bc Nagisa taught a pre-school class?
Possibilities, possibilities!
Tsuna picking up ninja powers bc Nagisa taught a pre-school class
#PutsOnDaShades #ItLooksCoolFor2Seconds #ThenTheEnthusiasticFlailingBreaksThrough #AndIAmReavealedForTheAdorkableDorkIAm
It’s incredible how just the tag: BLUE-CHAN without anything attached tells me about your current mood. *laughs*
Having ideas, M-chan? *wiggles her enabler eyebrows*