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everything had been made to stand still in the house of incest

gio || 21 || white transmasc dyke || he/they


i mainly post about my personal life, literature, music, vintage manga, ancient greece and rome, and various horrors du jour; this blog hosts unflinching discussions of incest in both fiction and real life, and potentially triggering untagged content abounds, so tread carefully.

Anonymous asked:

do you know what happened to caro 🥺

they deleted


People often react to the phrase "carbon footprint" with something about how it's coined by the fossil fuel industry to direct blame from producers to consumers, but I think there's still something extremely valuable about looking at emissions per capita -

graph one: total CO2 emissions, NOT per capita, by region. By 2020, China, the US, the EU, India, and Russia are the largest players, with the entire rest of the world barely surpassing China's emissions.

Graph two: The same regions but weighted per capita.

The US is unique in being extremely emissions-intense per capita while also being large and wealthy. This graph doesn't count emissions generated in China to produce goods shipped to America - it counts those under China's emissions.

It's really hard, I think, for people in the US to have perspective on how wealthy they are on a global scale. Of course no one feels wealthy if they're struggling to make rent or commuting an hour and a half to afford housing - but on a global scale, when over 700 million people live on less than $2 per day, the median American is one of the richest people on the planet.

If you look at the median individual across the OECD, take out their taxes, and adjust for cost of living by using purchasing power parity to the US dollar, the US median individual has $46,000 of disposable income a year. Only Luxembourg surpasses that (within the OECD)! Germany is at around $33k, the UK at around $25k, Japan around $21k, Mexico around $6k, and the two most populous countries in the world come in with China at $4.5k and India at $2.5k!

(I do need to note that this is disposable income and doesn't account for the value of services provided with tax money, so countries with a stronger investment in public infrastructure look worse here relative to the US than their inhabitants experience.)

I need to emphasize that while purchasing power parity isn't a perfect measure, its goal is to allow comparison of how much someone can afford given both cost of living and currency conversion rates.

Someone making federal minimum wage in the US is still able to afford more than twice as much (depending on location within the US) as the median person in Mexico and six times as much as the median person in India. The median person in the US has more than 20 times as much disposable income as the median person in India! When it comes to global warming and the disproportionate impact of the rich on the poor, the issue needs to be viewed in global perspective

this is not to say that someone struggling to make ends meet in the US has, like, a moral obligation to sacrifice further - but that the US as an entire nation bears a huge responsibility for driving its emissions down as a whole, and that it has immense means by which to do so

Anonymous asked:

giooo how's your thesis going?

work's going nice and steady, thanks for asking! i just got finished transcribing, summarizing and rudimentarily analyzing all the inscriptions i already have the photos and scans of from the archive's catalogue, which was super fun — of course, seeing them in real life is going to be much different and will surely yield new elements of analysis, which i am very thrilled about, not to mention there will certainly be some wholly new and uncatalogued inscriptions among them.


we asked 100 people what's something that a rock star wouldn't be caught dead without!

their musical instrument? 🤔

their instrument! 😁


what's something that a rock star wouldn't be caught dead without?

heroin, steve 😒


[the third result on the board flips, revealing ☑️HARD DRUGS☑️ as having 19 answers]

we asked 100 people what's something a rock star wouldn't be caught dead without, let's hear it

an underage girl! 😜

a WHAT? 🤯😰


[the first result on the board flips, revealing ☑️A MINOR☑️ as having 60 answers. not like us by kendrick lamar starts playing]


so glad im a student in the internet age i can't imagine doing this shit with paper


the first time i posted this a lot of people were like "fucking in parks was out of left field but I agree with everything else" despite this being the "gay people website" and like. i just wanted to be like "do you know literally anything about your gay history? what do you think comes from criminalizing the act of having sex in public, like in a park? do you think those policies might unduly target particular vulnerable demographics? do you think that these policies might be used maliciously and selectively to sweep the streets of 'undesireables'? doe you understand that this is violently reactionary?" but these suburbanites turn their ears off and start shouting about Consent.


Roman House of Celio. Underground archaeological site. Case Romane del Celio. Photos : © Archaeology Travel

The buildings that make up the Case Romane del Celio are located on top of Caelian Hill, one of the famous seven hills of Rome, long known as the home for some of Rome’s wealthiest elites. The earliest structures that make up the Case Romane del Celio date from the second century AD when the buildings at this site were part of an early roman domus or residential building for Rome’s upper class. At the beginning of the third century AD, the site was transformed into an insula or middle-class apartment block. Artisan shops took up the bottom floors with apartments above them, going along a small alley which still cuts through the site today.

Text © Archaeology Travel. Travel Guides Crafted by Experienced Archaeologists & Historians (

Photo: © Your History Guide

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