Sup guys, Odio here. look!!! I got a drop going on with my buddies over @superunofficial. we got these here exclusive designs ready for y'all to pick up. These designs were from the original Daicon V retrospective, and were never released outside of Japan until now. So go on and get your piece, and then sell it on Ebay when I die in a year or two. YOU WILL MAKE HUNDREDS. Holler at em!!!!
Two more shirts up tonight also. There are going to be taken down soon. Not saying when but soon. Just a little something for people who like this kind of thing.
I make like a buck off each one. So yeah, but they will be worth a lot when I am dead. Bet O D I O
Inspired by my beautiful girlfriend Naara who randomly sent me the image. and #3 in the t-shirt collection. you can find this for a very limited time if you go to the link provided. It will only be up for a few weeks tho. So act fast. I really enjoy the long sweatshirt. It looks really cash.