I know Aylin is The Character for me because she gives me so much of that classic inner conflict. On one hand, I love seeing her righteously, blazingly angry and obliterating shitty dudes left and right. When she goes into full angel of vengeance mode delivering the wrath of the heavens my heart flutters, even when it visibly stops bringing her joy and satisfaction and denies her yearned-for peace. I am intensely eye emoji-ing at her at all times because I want to see her react to things in a million ways and cope with things and ineffectually bury things 100 feet deep. My craving to put her in Situations is unbearable.
On the other hand, though, I want her to go on a decades-long honeymoon with the wife where nothing bad even approaches her awareness, she is endlessly loved and pampered, and experiences only gentleness and care.
The struggle is endless but beautiful.