#friendship bracelets – @o2studies on Tumblr



Hey I'm Myra ^^ // 17 // ALevels: chemsitry*math*art // Artist, reader & probably something else

༻`` 2 July — Tuesday

I finally have furniture in my room again! Also I applied for my first summer job earlier!!

😮‍💨 Annoyingly so, I yet again didn't hit my goals for today (except for tidying — a bit) which were to study Russian and Art. I'm realising that I need to work on my goals earlier in the day and that they take much less time than I seem to think they do.

On a happier note tho, I repotted my plants (again) per the advice of my friend's mum so hopefully they'll all live and grow and thrive 🌱

And with that same friend's birthday coming up, I thought it might be a nice idea to make us some bracelets (inspired by that eye colour bracelet trend, except purely with thread). I know she doesn't wear jewellery except for a bracelet her little sister made, so if she'd prefer not to wear it then I'd just have 1 more in my collection! 🙃

Going to get started on hers now but mine looks so much more like mint chocolate ice cream than hazel 😢

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