I want to meet someone who makes me feel the way music does
this is the most beautiful thing ive ever read
"would you have sex with any 5sos member without thinking about it?"
but when did michael get so broad
shocked, confused and aroused
this is the last thing i needed
omfg i just ordered pizza and as i was about to hang up i said love you out of habit and the guy said it back and after a whole minute of dead silence he just tells me that he hopes that i’m not expecting a discount on the pizza just cause we confessed our undying love for each other! oMFG!
guys! he sent me a note on one of the napkins and i just
I ship it
I ship it hard
american horror story blog
He’s so tall
and handsome as hell
He’s so bad
yeah okay nevermind…
100% sure im ugly as hell and yet I still expect to be in a relationship with a hot person
"Everytime we give something away I feel like Oprah"